Kindergarten News

and Upcoming Calendar Events

This week in Hakea, the children made gingerbread cookies.


The children rolled out the gingerbread dough, and used the cutters to create the shape of their gingerbread people. We then decorated our cookies with M&Ms and sprinkles.

After baking them in the oven, the children enjoyed their cookie for morning tea as a special treat – YUM!!!


As we come to the end of the year, we would like to thank all our amazing kindergarten families. It has been such a honour to teach and mentor your children this year. We have seen each child blossom in their learning and development, and we could not be more proud.


We cannot wait for next year, where we will see our current 3-year-olds start their 4-year-old kindergarten journey, and see our current 4-year-olds commence prep in 2024.


We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, exciting and prosperous new year.


Lots of love from Charlotte and the Kindergarten team.

Would you like to find our more about our Kinder?

We would love to invite you to tour our kindergarten.  For tours, please contact Charlotte (kindergarten director) on 98971265 or register here (via our website).


The link to our central enrolment system to enroll for 2023 is below: