Language Faculty News 

Year 7 Japanese in Term 1  

Sylvie Metz, Year 7  


Last term in Year 7 Japanese, to mark the Year of the Dragon, we created a display of 'Ema' outside the library. Ema are small wooden plaques traditionally used by Japanese people to write their wishes for the future. They are usually hung inside shrines and temples. 

We wished for many different things – to make new friends, to save the environment, to study well and to have a great year.


Over the term, we also learnt how to read and write the 46 different characters in hiragana – the most-used alphabet in Japan! We've all been enjoying learning this topic, and I look forward to continuing my studies in Japanese throughout the year. 

Year 9 French excursion to Noisette 

Charley Sanderson, Year 9 

On the last day of Term 1, the Year 9 French class went on an excursion to Noisette, a French café on Centre Road in Bentleigh.  


At the cafe, we had the chance to order drinks and sample French dishes. Some of the students ordered the hot chocolate while others tried the French Orangina. We also ordered a variety of different pastries such as danishes, pains au chocolat and croissants. Then we got to the main course, where we ate baguettes with various fillings, ham and cheese croissants and sandwiches. 

As if we weren’t already full enough, we finished off with some desserts. But you always have room for dessert, right? We had the chance to try a variety of cakes, lemon meringues, macarons and more, and by the end of this, were all very full! 


However, we all had an amazing time and agree that the food was delicious. My favourite thing to taste were the cakes. I also loved immersing myself in the French culture and discovering new French foods. Thank you to the French department and our teacher, Mr Troitzky, for making all this possible!