In the week leading to ANZAC Day we have been honouring the sacrifices of the brave men, women, and families of World Wars 1, 2 and beyond by participating in a ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance, a special Prep visit by Navy Lieutenant Christian Vancea, and holding commemorative assemblies to learn, reflect and pay tribute to the sacrifices made by the generations before, for our country.


Lest we forget.

ANZAC Day School Assemblies


Our Junior School came together to commemorate ANZAC Day earlier this week. Our School Leaders led their peers in observing a minute's silence and reflecting on the meaning of ANZAC Day. 


The Senior School gathered this Friday to commemorate ANZAC Day. 

Our School Captains, Co-Vice Captains and Principal Rob French reflected on the Australian spirit and the campaigns of Gallipoli and Kokoda.

Elijah Slavinskis, Year 11, sang the moving ballad ‘I Was Only 19’, followed by reflection and prayer, laying of the wreath, and a minute’s silence.

ANZAC commemoration service

Karen Chandler, Deputy Head of Junior School 

On Friday 19 April, Year 5 students attended the 92nd annual ANZAC commemoration service at the Shrine of Remembrance. The ceremony included the Defence Force Cadets, a school band and choir, and a RAAF fly-over. 

The Year 5 students placed a wreath during the service on behalf of the School. Students were given the opportunity to honour deceased relatives by wearing medals on their blazer.


After this special Legacy service, students were invited inside the Shrine of Remembrance to view the crypt and Galleries of Remembrance or lay a poppy at the Stone of Remembrance in the sanctuary.

Prep Anzac Day visitor 

Maddison Staude, Prep Classroom Teacher 

On 24 April, the Preps had Lieutenant Christian Vancea visit us to talk about Anzac Day and his work in the Navy. Here's what the kids had to sa about the visit:

  • We learnt that pirates are real.
  • We learnt that the ships are named after capital cities in Australia - there’s even one named 'Melbourne'!
  • We learnt that they fix the huge ships by putting them into a giant ‘pool’ and draining all the water out. 
  • We learnt that there are doctors and nurses on the ships.
  • We learnt that they can transport fire trucks on the ship. 
  • We learnt that Christian will be marching tomorrow, and if we watch closely on TV, we might even see him!