School Highlights

What an end to Term 1!

As an added bonus to our Junior School’s effort to raise money for the amazing cause, Impact for Women, the top three year levels earned the opportunity to vote for a teacher (or principal) to be 'slimed!' 


Congratulations to Mr French, Mr Collins and Mr Pellegrino for ‘winning’. Watch them being slimed!

The official opening of The HIVE 

The official opening of The HIVE on 27 March was an iconic evening for the Kilvington community. We’d especially like to thank and acknowledge all the donors who, with their generous contributions, made our new STEAM Centre a reality.

We were honoured to be joined by former Principal Di Fleming AM who spoke brilliantly about Kilvington’s leadership in technology and science in the 90s. We were the first school in Australia to provide students with access to the Internet.


David Southwick, Member for Caulfield, kindly assisted in the official cutting of the ribbon, ably supported by School Co-Vice Captain Jack Campbell-Manly.


Announced at the official opening was The Jon Charlton Technology Centre (former Principal) and The Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM Science Centre (former Chair of the Board). Both were instrumental in taking the vision of a STEAM Centre and making it a reality.


We thank The Huge and Selina Williams Foundation for their generous contribution to The Coding Lounge. 


Also, a special mention to our School Co-Captains Ruby Wilson and Jude Teo - Ruby was brilliant as the emcee for the official event (as well as the Donor Appreciation Event) and Jude gave a special insight into what The HIVE means for our students.


Year 8 student, Cameron Leighton was acknowledged for his creativity in coming up with the name The HIVE, Harmony, Innovation, Vision and Excellence.


Watch the official opening ceremony below! 

Chess updates 

Tania Whitehead, Talent Development and Enrichment Coordinator 



On Tuesday 26 March, a team of eight students (four from Year 8 and four from Year 12), competed in the Secondary Zonal Chess Tournament run by Chess Victoria at Brighton Grammar School.

Over 200 students competed in the tournament. Kilvington finished in 15th place out of 44 schools. Up until the last round, Kilvington was sitting close to 10th place, which would have seen them qualify for the next round.

Congratulations to all competitors, especially the Year 8 students who competed in their first interschool chess tournament.



Well done to all Junior School students who participated in the Junior School Chess Club in Term 1. 

Each week, the students were provided with a lesson from the coach before competing in an internal tournament. Congratulations to our ‘Grandmasters’ for Term 1.

  • Equal 2nd place – Lawrence Li (Year 4) and Isaac Pramudya (Year 2)
  • 1st place – Jayden Lin (Year 3)
  • Coaches Award – Lili Metz (Year 5)