Languages News - Italian

Benvenuti e Bentornati
Welcome back to all families and a very special welcome to the new families who are joining our East Doncaster Secondary College community.
Students have settled in well and we are so excited about watching the students develop their understanding of the culture and improve their language acquisition.
We are very happy to announce that commencing this year we will have 2 Italian classrooms where many of our Italian classes will take place. Over the term we will see the rooms transformed.
Students will now have dedicated classrooms dressed and tailored accordingly. Exhibiting visual materials in the classroom (visual cues and prompts) and maintaining a high level of visual exposure to the target language both make essential contributions to supporting students’ language acquisition and create an existential & thriving language culture. Students will be surrounded with all that is Italian.
We will be able to exhibit student work and hold lunchtime activities run by the students themselves.
Both students and teachers are very excited and can’t wait to show off our new classrooms.
Joyce Conidoni
Languages (Italian) Coordinator