Religious Education 

Today we will be recognising and celebrating Shrove Tuesday also commonly known as Pancake Tuesday or Pancake Day. Classes around the school will enjoy making and eating pancakes. In the traditional christian faith, Shrove Tuesday takes place before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. For the 40 days leading up to Easter, a time where christians are encouraged to pray, give and fast.


Tomorrow an Ash Wednesday Liturgy will be held at school  for the Years 1-3 students at 10:30am. The Year 4-6 students will attend the Ash Wednesday Mass at St Mary’s Church 10:00 am, families are welcome to join us.


This Thursday 15th February is the Parent Information Night for the Reconciliation Program. This is for students in Year 2 and Year 5, however students that were unable to receive their Reconciliation previously, we invite you to participate. Parents are asked to attend either the 4pm or 7pm session. 

If you have not received an expression of interest form that was sent home with your child last week, there are some available at the school office.

For any further inquiries please contact Mandy at the Parish  Office- 52312177


Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader