School News

NEW - Sacred Heart Meet & Greet
NEW - Opening School Mass
Sacred Heart invite family and friends to join us on Friday 9th February, 9:15am Parish Church, for our Opening School Mass.
We look forward to celebrating the start of our school year with you.
NEW - Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Helpers
Next Tuesday, 13th February, is Shrove Tuesday. We will be providing pancakes for the children at school during the day. Any parents who are able to help with the cooking of pancakes, could you please let the office know by the end of the week.
Parent helpers will need to have a current Working with Children Check and have completed the induction module. The Induction Module is available on the school website for parents to complete if needed.
Any children with dietary requirements will be catered for separately.
Many thanks.
NEW - Music
All students have made a wonderful start to the school year. We are very excited to be having music sessions weekly this year.
Grade 1/2s are doing lots of singing and movement to the beat. Singing to the animals encourages them to sing on their own and build confidence.
Grade 3/4 and 5/6 are learning to play rhythms on the djembe. Drum circles are a lot of fun and create connection and a sense of harmony. Students have been learning a number of foundation rhythms which help us to keep in time with the group.
NEW - Foundation
Foundation children have settled well into their first term at Sacred Heart. It has been wonderful seeing the children coming in and following the morning routine by changing their books and bringing in lunch boxes and drink bottles so well.
To start the year we have been learning about our classroom communities and how to listen with our whole body.
We have a classroom plant named Spidey in Foundation Tartaglia and Stripey in Foundation Borzillo/Petrie.
Children have enjoyed learning and dancing with Pevan and Sarah, looking for the word 'the' in our books, learning the letter 'm' with Milo the Monkey and making patterns.
Lastly, our 'Buddies' have been very helpful and they joined us on Tuesday afternoon to learn more about what their little buddies' interests are.
We are looking forward to more great learning during the term.
Foundation Teachers.
NEW - School Hats
Families please ensure school hats are clearly labelled with you child's name and they have the correct hat. If your child has accidentally taken home the wrong hat please return to the classroom.
NEW - Lost Property
We have a number of items located in the office which are unlabeled and we would like to have them returned to their owner. If your child has currently misplaced the following below items please see Debbie or Sally in the office. Thank you.
- Guitars
- Swimming googles
- Umbrella
PAM & SiMON Everywhere Guide
At Sacred Heart we value the support of volunteers. Over your child/ren’s journey through Primary School there are many opportunities to volunteer and support your child and the school. Please visit the volunteer page on the school website for further information.
NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers
Lunch Orders
Tatura Hot Bread Bakery will be providing the School lunch orders for two days a week. Lunch orders will be available Thursdays and Fridays. Please find below the 2024 price list. There is an example on how to correctly fill in the lunch order bag on Daily Messages, the Hot Bread Bakery has advised that all lunch orders need to be in the correct format. Thank you.
A reminder orders are to be done through the School, not to be dropped off at the Bakery.
Second Hand Uniform Sales
Sacred Heart will now only be accepting second hand uniform items as a donation to the school. If families wish to sell items we request that this is done privately. Please see below the current uniform stock available for purchase. If you wish to have a browse of the uniforms or make a purchase, please see Sally in the school office on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Item | Price |
Jacket | $15.00 |
School Bag | $10.00 |
Jumper | $5.00 |
Pants (slacks & sports) | $5.00 |
Dress | $5.00 |
Polo Shirt (short sleeve) | $2.00 |
Polo Shirt (long sleeve) | $2.00 |
Shorts (sports & non-sports) | $2.00 |
Skirt & Skort | $2.00 |
Hats | $2.00 |