Thrive & Flourish

Welcome back everyone to the start of the 2024 school year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday break. Following on from introducing myself on the Catholic Identity page, - Tony McDonald - I will also be working in the area of Wellbeing at Sacred Heart. Felicity Bryant as a part of her role will be coordinating NCCD funding and PSG meetings that take place for individual students. Deb Turvey is also working in the area of student support and wellbeing. Her work days are Monday and Wednesday this year.
Collectively as a team, we can assist students and families with improving their emotional health and wellbeing to build resilience, enhance coping skills for emotions and increased participation in school. We can also offer short term support with information and referrals for parents, longer-term support for families facing complex issues and group programs during school time focused on self-esteem, social skills or grief and loss.
We welcome any emails or calls if families wish to seek support and can be contacted via email at any time or a phone call to school.
Tony McDonald:
Felicity Bryant:
Deb Turvey:
If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call. They offer many services to all members of our community – ALL FREE.
eSafety Webinars for Parents - Term 1, 2024
The eSafety Commissioner provides a variety of resources, including webinars, to give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
Topics for Term 1 include:
- eSafety 101: How eSafety can help
- Understanding how to support your child with online gaming
- Understanding parental controls to safeguard your child
- Online safety and social media: TikTok, Youtube and Instagram
For more information and to access the webinars, please use the following link to access the website:
Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February 2024
Safer Internet Day is a global initiative to raise awareness of online safety issues. The office of the eSafety Commissioner leads the initiative in Australia. They educate people about online safety risks like online abuse, how to be safe online and where to go for help.
Safer Internet Day encourages users to take three simple actions when approaching online safety: Connect. Reflect. Protect.
‘Connect’ safely by keeping apps and devices secure and reviewing your privacy settings regularly.
‘Reflect’ on how your actions online may affect others or your safety.
Provide information for internet users to ‘Protect’ themselves and others by visiting to find out how to stay safe online and report online abuse.
By doing these things and sharing the Connect – Reflect - Protect message, we can work towards making every day a Safer Internet Day.
The eSafety website has valuable information for parents in helping to educate their children with using the Internet.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy fortnight ahead.
Tony, Felicity and Deb.
Liam's Joke of the Week
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: Bok'cause