Volunteer Training Session

All people who volunteer to assist at Northcote Primary School must undertake a yearly induction briefing. In order to be a volunteer at NPS helpers must undertake the following:

-Parent induction session (Child Safe requirement)

-OHS induction 

-Have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) 

-Complete the NPS Child Safety Induction Agreement which includes relevant policies.


This term we will be holding a volunteer training session on Monday 18th March after the assembly.



So that we can strengthen our interdependent partnership between the school and the community, we offer training sessions for parent and community members. 

Over the years, our students have benefited from the work and dedication of hundreds of helpers. We are always ready and willing to welcome even more. You may be a new member of our community and keen to offer your help while also getting to know other community members. 


Our volunteer training session will outline your role and responsibilities with regard to Child Safety, Privacy and Occupational Health and Safety legislation. In line with our values, Collaboration, Respect and Commuinity, you will understand that the safety and care of your children are the most important considerations when implementing a program such as volunteer helpers. 


Also, with legislation related to a range of issues, it is imperative that ALL volunteers are briefed before they are able to help in any way at school. This training includes everyone who would like to start to help in any or all of the following areas such as; interschool sport, classroom helpers (in any area of the curriculum), excursions, special event days, sports coaching, specialist programs. In fact, anyone who helps at the school in any way. Please note that helpers on school camps have a special briefing prior to camp. 



Please see this invitation as an opportunity to get to know other members of our school community while also providing the students of NPS with invaluable support and assistance. 


Don’t worry, there are no hard questions to answer or problems to solve. You just need a willingness to help and we’ll do the rest!! 

To register for one of the sessions, you can follow the link below or alternatively, contact the school office.
