Faith and Mission

From the Mission and Identity Team
Mary Ward Connect 2024
From March 5 – March 8 Loreto Marryatville welcomed teachers and students from our sister school Loreto Coorparoo and Loreto Kirribilli. Whilst our students went interstate to visit Loreto Coorparoo and Loreto Kirribilli.
The Mary Ward Connect is an exchange program between Loreto schools in Australia. It began in 2009 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Mary Ward. The Mary Ward Connect exchange program was initiated by the Loreto Schools Australia Committee (LSAC). Its mission is to strengthen the Mary Ward charism and to build connections and friendships between the schools. Through this important exchange program, Mary Ward Connect aims to continue to help celebrate over 400 years of Loreto/Mary Ward education, deepen our understanding of what it means to be part of the national and international Loreto community and to build communication, connectivity and friendship between staff and students in our schools.
Our students welcomed the opportunity to host the visiting students and staff and to show them what life at Marryatville is like. The girls were delighted to see that the Loreto Girls were ‘just like them’. The Marryatville students loved showing off their school, taking the girls to their classes and showing them what Adelaide has to offer. Mary Ward Connect is a highlight for both travelling students and host students because of the many lifelong connections that are made between the girls.
Our Liturgical Life
In the spirit of honouring equality, empowerment, and the invaluable contributions of women, International Women's Day (IWD) was celebrated through a series of meaningful events, including a special Junior School liturgy led by Year 3 Blue and a Chapel Mass reverently led by the Year 12 students.
Junior School Liturgy by Year 3 Blue:
Dressed in the significant purple, green and white colours, Year 3 Blue, lead a heartfelt Junior School liturgy dedicated to International Women's Day. Through prayers, reflections, and hymns, the students spoke about the significance of IWD. This liturgy, attended by a large group of family, together with staff and students, provided a space to grow in awareness and appreciation for the positive impact women have had on society, including the contribution of Mary Ward, Gonzaga Barry and the many women who followed in their lead.
Year 12 Chapel Mass
Following the Junior School liturgy, Fr Chris Jenkins celebrated a special Chapel Mass centered around the theme of International Women's Day. This Mass deepened the students’ understanding of the role women play in our lives, community, and the broader world. Through scripture readings and prayers, Year 12 students reflected on the strength, resilience, and wisdom that women bring to our shared journey.
Both of these liturgical events acknowledged International Women's Day in our liturgical practices, celebrating the diverse gifts of women within the context of our faith community.
Ms Martina O'Connell
Assistant Principal: Mission and Identity