Learning Across the ELC

Learning in the Preschool
Our Preschool Inquiry 'Same, Different, Unique' has taken different trajectories over the last fortnight. The Preschool Blue children have been exploring the similarities and difference in the Flags of the World and the Preschool Gold children have been exploring the similarities and differences in modes of transport. Both trajectories have involved numeracy and literacy elements and connected to the children's culture, sense of self and way of life. The Flag interest stemmed from a child's interest in the colours of the Olympic rings. When looking into the Olympic rings, we discovered that they represented the five inhabited continents on Earth (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania), they are also comprised of the colours most commonly found in flags of the countries of the world.
The Blue children sorted and classified flags into groups that looked "like the paramedics"… "with a cross on them." We also searched for flags with one star, discovering that some stars were big, some small and they had different colours and a differing number of points. Children also noticed similarities in flag shapes and colours. The Gold children were able to identify what modes of transportation have changed and which ones have stayed the same. Conversations were centred around speed, how quickly or slowly we can get to places and comparing the speed of scooters to aeroplanes. Both groups of children have been drawing and painting their findings and we have been recording their voices about their discoveries too.
Ms Ollie Lauder
ELC Teacher