Library News

Term 1, Week 4

Welcome to week 4! Students across all grades are getting ‘back into the swing’ of things and are consolidating library routines and borrowing some great books.

This Week's Reads

Kindergarten has been busy learning about how to care for books this week and will be taking home a worksheet they coloured in about this. Please ask your child to see if they can recall any book care ideas, I hope they have remembered a few!  Kindergarteners have also been enjoying books based around a friendship theme and this week read ‘There’s No Such Thing’ by Heidi McKinnon and created their own imaginary monster friend.

Years 1 and 2 are continuing to read another Pamela Allen book this week and get to meet Mr McGee. They will read the original Mr McGee and then also enjoy Mr McGee and the Biting Flea. They love this story, especially the bare bottom!

Years 3 & 4are reading our second Leigh Hobb’s book, Mr Chicken Arriva a Roma. This week we’re visiting Italy and learning about some famous Italian landmarks and even a few Italian words too.

Years 5 & 6 are getting into our Visual Literacy unit and learning how ‘pictures tell a thousand words’. We’re looking into how image creators use special techniques to engage us in stories, including wordless books. This week, we’re looking at one of those stories, ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. Becker has created a trilogy of ‘Journey’ books and not one of them has a word in it. We’re going to be ‘reading’ images to find meaning and spending time evaluating his images. This image is one we’re going to be investigating, what do you think? For more information about these books, you can visit Aaron Becker’s website here or watch the Journey book trailer (it’s beautiful!)

NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024

This week, permission notes for students to join the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge will be going home. If you would like your child to participate in this exciting reading opportunity, please sign the letter and return the permission slip to their classroom teacher. You can also download a permission slip here.


If you would like more information about the PRC, please visit the website here. The Challenge commences on the 26th of February and closes on Friday, 23rd of August 2024.


SORA - The School’s Digital Library

When you become part of Holy Trinity School, not only do have access to our wonderful collection of books in the library, but you also automatically join SORA, the school’s digital ebook and audiobook library collection. To log into SORA, you will need your child’s school email and password - this is available from their classroom teacher. Each week, I’ll share some recommended ebooks from SORA. To log into SORA, follow these instructions.

New Books Alert!

Check out some of the fantastic new secondary books that hit the shelves this week. Would you be game to read them?

And who remembers this series? I loved it!

Book Buddies

This term, we’re trialling the use of Book Buddies during lessons and snack breaks. So far, the kids have loved having something to sit on their desks. Who’s your favourite? (PS: mine’s Hairy McLairy!).

Quick Bits

Meet Kassidy with her fun library bag. Thank you to families for continuing to send their child with a library bag, we really appreciate it!

Happy reading,

Mrs. Toni Fraser