Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 4!

The Executive and Leadership team have been working hard to begin implementing our Annual Improvement Plan (AIP). The AIP is formed by reflection on student, staff and family data and feedback received over 2023. It is informed by Armidale Catholic School AIP and the work that is carried out across our system of schools. We have four goals:

  1. To authentically live out our Catholic Principles and Values
  2. To provide future-focused and engaging learning to enhance outcomes for all students
  3. To care for our students, staff and families so they can realise a hope-filled future
  4. To continue to build strong teams for sustainability and stewardship

Over the coming term I will outline some of the strategies we hope will help us reach our goals.


Congratulations to...

5F for their beautiful Mass on Friday at Sacred Heart Church.

Best Wishes to...

The Holy Trinity Ag Team will be competing at the Inverell Show this weekend. Also best wishes to all our students who may be competing at the Show.


Year 2 for their prayer celebration at Sacred Heart Church this Friday at the new time of 9:30am. Please remember not to take your coffee into the church.

Coming Up:

K-6 Meet and Greet

Come along to the K-6 Meet and Greet Open Classrooms on Tuesday afternoon. More details are in the Primary News section. Your children love to show you around their new classroom and world!



Easter Fair

It was great to start planning the 2024 Easter Fair with the P and F last Thursday. The Fair is a great social event and fundraiser for our school. Many hands make light work and it is a chance for you be be involved in our school. We need lots of help to make it happen. Please consider coming along and helping. The next planning meeting is on Tuesday at 5:30pm in the Library. Everyone is welcome.


School Photos

Our 2024 school photos will be taken on Tuesday 27 February and Wednesday 28 February. If you pay online please indicate on the envelope and return the envelope to school so we know who has ordered photos. Please collect a sibling photo envelope from the Front Office if you would like a family photo. Likewise, please return this envelope even if you have paid online. Students are required to be in full school uniform including socks. Please see the Uniform Code attached. All orders and payments must be completed by Monday 26 March


Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 


NAPLAN 2024 will take place from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March

NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school. Please avoid commitments during school time during these dates.


Chicken Pox

We have had another report of chicken pox in our school. Please monitor for symptoms and refer to the NSW Health sheet attached.


Bus Safety Week

This week is bus safety week. Attached is a fact sheet for families to use to discuss how to be safe around buses.

Parking around the school

Please be mindful of not parking in our neighbours' driveways. We have had communication from some of our neighbours that their driveways are being blocked at the end of school and they cannot access their homes. Please be courteous.



Please remember to explain your child's absence from school by clicking the link in the SMS sent on the day of absence, phoning the school or sending in a note on the student's return. Rolls are marked at 9 am if your child is late they must report to the Front Office to sign in.


Information Update

Please advise the school if you have:

Changed address

New contact details or emergency contacts

Students have developed a new medical condition

Family circumstances have changed


Canteen Volunteers

We desperately need more volunteers to assist in the canteen. Please let the school know if you or a family member can help.


School Fees

We are preparing to issue our fees for 2024. Letters will be sent to families who have outstanding amounts from 2023. We now have the facility for separated families to have two separate accounts for both parents. Please contact the school if you would like this to be set up.


Looking forward to seeing families at our Meet and Greet today.

Have a good week!
