Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.

Term 1 Week 4

PAMilo WFor your incredible start to Prep! You always demonstrate the Wembley Values with pride, and show dedicated focus and engagement through your insightful contributions to class conversations! Well done Milo!
PBBilly BFor caring about your classmates and demonstrating the Wembley Value of Empathy. Billy, you have made such a positive start to Prep. Well done!
PCXavier HFor the amazing way you show your 5Ls during class discussions. Xav you have set a wonderful example on how to be a great listener to your friends in Prep C. We are so lucky to have you in our class!
PDAaliyah L For her amazing demonstration of our Wembley value of resilience. Aaliyah, I have been so proud of how you have bounced back when faced with challenges and how your confidence has grown each day. Keep it up superstar!
PEFreddie HFor showing our Wembley Value of Empathy and consistently being a kind and helpful classmate. Freddie, we are very lucky to have you in Prep E. You are a Prep E Superstar!
1AEila HFor being a wonderful member of 1A. I’m so proud of you, for how you are setting yourself up for success each day, coming into the classroom and having a slow start.  As well as the awesome work in taking on feedback in writing to help you think of ideas to write next. Keep up the great effort!
1BLucinda SFor challenging herself in writing and working hard to stay focused and on task. Lucinda, your writing is always detailed and interesting. Keep up the good work! We are so proud of you!
1CRoman BFor his amazing work in Maths. Roman you have done an outstanding job showing your place value knowledge using unifix, bundling icy pole sticks and tens frames.  Keep up the wonderful work!
1DAudrey PFor having your best week of Grade One yet! Audrey, you have been so resilient and have worked really hard in reading and writing this week, you are doing such a fantastic job. I’m so proud of you, superstar! Well done Audrey! 
2AGed CFor being an outstanding role model in all areas of learning. Ged, you always demonstrate our Wembley school rules and values, and your positive attitude towards your learning is inspiring. Keep up the amazing work!
2BOliver SFor making such a positive start at his new school! Oliver has been so resilient and persistent to start his W.P.S journey and I couldn’t be prouder of him. Well done Oliver!
2CLottie BFor her confident segmentation of sounds when writing her story draft. Lottie, your fabulous idea where Harley gets stuck in a package has us all laughing. We can’t wait to see what you write next! Keep up the great work.
2DTahlia LFor showing great behaviour and effort in class. Tahlia, you have been doing a wonderful job at sharing your answers and working hard in your learning. Well done and keep it up!
3BAlex SFor demonstrating exceptional resilience and transitioning into year 3 with finesse. Alex, your dedication to your learning and kindness shown toward your peers is admirable. Keep up the great work legend!
3CJustine LFor showing outstanding values in and out of the classroom. Justine, you are an amazing role model to your peers and have been doing a great job at showing a growth mindset with all tasks. Keep up the fantastic work!!!
3DMax TFor working very hard to  create a  wonderful map during our math lesson. Well done Max, I can't wait to visit Sport Land!
4AEloise W

For showing our Value of Empathy and focus behaviour of Helping Others on a regular basis. Eloise, the help that you provided to your classmates while we were setting up our laptops was awesome. An absolute expert!

Great stuff.

4BLiam TFor a fabulous start to the school year by being an outstanding role model in 4B. Liam, you can always be relied upon to be ready for your learning and to put your personal best into all that you do. Well done Liam, you are a star!
4CChloe VFor consistently contributing her ideas in class discussions. Chloe raises her hand respectfully during mini-lessons and shares her thoughts in a clear and calm manner. Thank you for your ongoing contributions Chloe and keep on sharing!
4DAri MFor starting off the year with such positivity and respect for his classmates. Ari your effort has been incredible, keep up your amazing work superstar!

Ella E


For her incredible inferring during our reading lesson!  Well done Ella, you gave a thoughtful and well constructed inference using your prior knowledge and text clues.  Keep up the awesome work! 
5BMarshall SFor the creativity shown in your writing! Marshall, you have shown great skill in your persuasive piece this week, using persuasive techniques and humour to captivate your audience. Well done, and keep up the great work!
5COliver SFor your resilience during the Grade 5 Beach Program. I was really impressed when you joined everyone in the ocean and pushed through, even when it made you uncomfortable. I hope you had fun at the beach and continue to embrace life's challenges. Congratulations on a great start to the year, Oliver!
5DAnax KFor showing a high level of effort in all learning areas. You have made an excellent start to Year Five. Congratulations Anax!
6AJacques BFor being a kind and generous friend at the beach program! You were empathetic when your friend needed a towel. What a superstar!
6BAmelie TFor being extremely kind and supportive to your peers during our Beach Program. I loved how you were cheering everyone on during the games and taking on all the challenges with a brave face. It is wonderful having you in 6B, Amelie, keep up the awesome work!
6CAmelia HFor always bringing a positive, thoughtful and considerate attitude to class . Your effort with tasks in all subject areas and your kindness towards others definitely do not go unnoticed. Well done Amelia! 

Term 1 Week 5

PAMila AFor showing incredible resilience and commitment when walking in the door each day! I am so proud of how much you have grown in such a short time! Well done Mila, keep up the ‘have a go’ attitude!
PBAmelia HFor always being helpful and kind to her classmates in Prep B. Congratulations on a great start to Prep, Amelia! Keep up the great work. 
PCIssy BFor the incredible detail you have been putting into your drawing. I love the positive feedback your peers have been giving you. Well done Issy! 
PDNestor AFor his consistent demonstration of our Wembley value of respect when communicating with his teachers and peers. Nestor, your inclusive nature is appreciated by your classmates. Keep it up!
PEWilliam RFor consistently giving your best effort in everything that you do. You are a wonderful role model for your classmates. Keep up the amazing work, William! 
1AWinnie HFor being a wonderful member of 1A, you consistently reflect and model our Wembley school values inside and outside of the classroom. You always try your best when completing your work independently, I am so lucky to have you in our class.. Keep up the great work, Winnie!
1BFinn CFor being an amazing role model in 1B and for always showing the 5 L’s of listening! Well done Finn, we are so proud of you!
1CLouis PFor his wonderful efforts in writing.  Louis, you showed amazing stamina and focus producing an excellent writing piece about your weekend. What a superstar! 
1DAxel GFor your fantastic efforts in writing and maths this week. Axel, you are such a fantastic member of 1D and have shown this week that you can do anything when you try your best. I am so proud of you, Axel! Keep up the great work.  
2ASadie CFor the amazing focus, effort and positive attitude demonstrated during our first Reciprocal Reading group. Sadie, your enthusiasm to engage in learning was much appreciated and you were a wonderful role model to your reading group. Keep up the amazing work!
2BAsha IFor working so hard in all areas of her studies, Asha’s workrate and ability to be a role model in the class has been magnificent these past few weeks. She is growing into a real leader and I’m very proud of her. On top of all this, it’s also her birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHA!
2CAmy PFor showing the Wembley value of empathy in a multitude of ways, but particularly for showing warmth, kindness and care to her peers when they are upset and need help solving a problem. Thank you, Amy!
2DTilly MFor consistently showing a fantastic attitude towards learning! Tilly, you are always happy to learn something new or take on a challenge, and you apply your best effort in all you do. Well done and keep it up!
3AIsa DFor working hard towards your math goal with  Place Value. Well done Isa, you have shown the value of resilience and worked hard to achieve your goals. Keep up the fantastic work ! 
3BBrandon WFor consistently displaying respect toward his learning and seeking a new challenge. Brandon, your start to year 3 has been extremely impressive! Keep it up legend!
3CYuki SFor being such a fantastic role model to all your peers. You are always up for a challenge and have a growth mindset when attempting a new skill. Keep up the fantastic work Yuki! 
3DAleksy SFor setting an amazing example of the Wembley Values to your peers each and every day. You consistently show your best efforts to avoid distraction and follow the expected behaviours in 3D. Well done and keep up the brilliant attitude!
4BPenny SFor her outstanding focus and application to all lessons, all while being able to support others with their understanding. Well done Penny! You are a super star student and 4B is so lucky to have you!
4CCaitlin P For the way she always seeks to help out in the classroom. Caitlin is quick to offer support to her peers and has been instrumental in helping to establish, organise and categorise our classroom library. Thank you for being such a great role model, keep it up!
4DSadie DFor her outstanding efforts and focus in the classroom. Sadie, you have show such incredible commitment to your learning, always so positive and full of enthusiasm. Keep up your amazing work superstar! 
5AFinn TFor his resilience and determination during our last beach program session.  Congratulations Finn, it was wonderful to see you demonstrated your resilience and doing your best during a very chilly day at the beach!  I was so proud when you went back in to participate, even when you were shivering and did not feel like it.  Well done, keep up the amazing work!  
5BMila CFor your motivation that you have been displaying in the classroom this fortnight! Mila, you have been working hard and making sure you understand your tasks, which has enabled you to achieve many learning goals. Keep this up, and you will have a fantastic year of growth in year five! Well done. 
5CFranklin SFor your excellent attitude towards school and your terrific behaviour in class. I've been so impressed with how much effort you've put into writing your persuasive speech and how you've listened to the speaker. You are an absolute superstar and I hope you continue to grow and flourish in 5C. Congratulations legend!
5DAlana EFor demonstrating excellent levels of effort and behaviour in every session. You have shown yourself to be a role model for your peers. Congratulations Alana, on an outstanding start to Year Five!
6AMax CFor your excellent efforts in writing your 'Grown Up Rules' story. Max, you showed enthusiasm and engagement with your task and did a great job! Keep up the great work!
6BNathaniel AFor your excellent behaviour throughout our Year Six beach program. Nathaniel, you represented Wembley wonderfully by always displaying our school values, encouraging your peers and following adult instructions. You are an amazing addition to the 6B team, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year!
6COlivia PFor her thoughtful responses during our discussions on persuasive texts. Olivia is able to present her ideas in a clear and conscientious manner, and has shown an increased confidence when contributing to class discussions. Well done Olivia! 




Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.