Principal's News

Our Holy Redeemer's Acknowledgement of Country

Please click on the image below to play the video

Dear Parents & Parishioners,

Our Special Place

At last Friday's official launch of OHR's new mural by our artist, Shanai Kellet,  the students and staff were provided with a comprehensive explanation of the symbolism and story conveyed by this special artwork.  The title of the piece, Our Special Place, was the result of a workshopping exercise with our Year 6 students.  

The story of Our Special Place can be read here:

The mural captures our school motto 'Grow, Learn, Succeed'. ‘Our Special Place’ celebrates the journey and steps taken throughout primary school. Guided by Christ, the nurturing staff, and a strong community presence, ‘Our Special Place’ celebrates the uplifting spirit of connection.

Nestled on top of the hills of Boroondara, where the Wurundjeri/Woiwurrung people have continuously cared for and nurtured the thickly shadedland, 'Our Special Place’ teaches us to respect, protect and preserve the land and waterways for our future generations.

‘Our Special Place’ depicts a variety of blue, green, orange, yellow, and soft white shades to represent colours within the environment, changing seasons and landscapes throughout time. The central meeting place in blue represents our school, branching out to further coloured central gathering spaces of learning within classrooms. The long pathways on either side take us throughout our learning journey, with smaller gathering spaces reflecting areas within the school where, eating, sharing, playing, sport, church and learning opportunities are shared in peace and harmony with each other and our teachers.

Amongst the large hills are emu and kangaroo tracks, varied symbols of families and community, sacred waterholes, men and women symbols of children and staff, rockshaped patterns, yellow stars of Christ, and the repetition of dot work. These symbols represent the movement of our school, the environment and a strong connection to country and place.

A variety of traditional Yorta Yorta and Juru symbols alongside common Aboriginal symbols, transform our school’s story and the ongoing respect we have with our Aboriginal Culture.


‘Our Special Place’ shares a unique story of uplifting experiences for all, within a safe and nurturing learning environment. Filled with diversity, enthusiasm, and core values to encourage growth and strength for all students at Our Holy Redeemer Primary School.

Years 5 & 6 Canberra Camp

We are currently experiencing beautiful weather in Canberra enabling us to make the most of the special landmarks and sites in our nation's capital.  Since our arrival on Monday we have managed to pack every day (and evening) with a variety of learning experiences.  Thanks to Mr Byrne, the parents of the students have been kept up to date with regular updates on Seesaw. 

The Year 5 & 6 students and their teachers will return to Melbourne later today.

An update of the camp will be provided in next week's newsletter.

Managing Big Feelings Parent Webinar: Tonight

As a follow up to our Starting School presentation with Carley McGauran in 2023, we present the Managing Big Feelings webinar. This webinar is primarily targeted at parents/carers with children in Prep though to Year 2.  This session is not to be confused with Raising Kids in a Digital World which is scheduled to be held later in March.

The Managing Big Feelings session is designed to support parents/carers to show up in the most helpful way when your children experience big feelings.  The goal is for parents and carers to feel more informed and empowered.  Make sure you register today.


Managing Big Feelings

Presenter: Carley McGauran

Date: Thursday 7 March 

Time: 7.30pm (75 min)

Here is the link for parents to register for the webinar :


Once you register (with an email address and name), you will be emailed a link to the webinar. You will also receive reminder emails. The following day, you will receive a link to access the replay. Therefore, we recommend that even if you are unable to attend the live webinar, that you register to ensure access to the replay which will be available for 30 days.

Years 3 & 4 Parent Gathering last Friday 

Thank you to Siobhan and David Crawshay for generously opening up their home to warmly host the parents with students in Years 3 & 4.  There was a good number in attendance last Friday evening, including many of our new families.

Years 5 & 6 Parent Gathering

Our third gathering of parents will be the Year 5 & 6 evening at the home of the Love's. This is scheduled for Friday 15 March.  BYO drinks.  Please refer to the details in the invitation, below:


 NAPLAN Online

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year.  The NAPLAN test window starts this Wednesday 13 March 2024 and finishes on Monday 25 March 2024. At OHR, we have scheduled the tests as soon as possible within the testing window.  Please refer to the Learning & Teaching page in this newsletter to access the NAPLAN Testing Schedule.

2024 Open Mornings

On Thursday 14 March, we will host the first of two scheduled Open Mornings for prospective parents considering enrolling their children in 2025 and beyond.  The school will be open to visitors between 9:00am and 11:00am.  A great morning is planned.  We will commence with a gathering in the hall where the students will treat our visitors to a number of exhibitions and performances.  The Senior Students will then take on the responsibility of showing our guests around the school.  Afterwards our visitors will be invited to the foyer of the hall for a cuppa. 

If you are available between 10.00 - 10.30am to talk to the visiting families over a cuppa, please don't hesitate to send me an email.

If you know of anyone considering a school for their child, please encourage them to come along to our special Open Morning and to also arrange a personal school tour.

As you can appreciate, we are working towards finalising our 2025 Prep enrolments by the middle of May. 

It would be gratefully appreciated that all existing school families who have a child commencing school in 2025 complete an enrolment form and submit it to Heather.

Working Bees

There are four Working Bees scheduled throughout this year and it is hoped that each family would be able to attend at least one of these events.  The Working Bees will be coordinated by both Luke Torpey and Justin Bolger to address the upkeep of the school grounds and minor maintenance matters. Working Bees are a cost effective and essential means to maintaining aesthetic school grounds that afford a safe and welcoming environment for our children, parents and visitors. 

Working Bees provide the opportunity to connect with other families, and the children always have a great time helping out and playing with one another in the school grounds. A range of days and times are available to enable each family the opportunity to select the most suitable Working Bee.

The dates for this year’s Working Bees are:  23 March, 5 May, 10 August and 20 October. A complete list of dates can be found on the school calendar.  You will notice that we have alternating Saturday and Sunday Working Bees.  You can email your preferred day to 

Justin: or Luke: 

We request that you look ahead at your commitments for 2024, and nominate for at least one Working Bee now.  It’s a great way to show your children that you value their school through committing to a few hours per year.  Certain families have been extremely generous with their time over recent years in turning up to multiple Working Bees within the one year.

The first Working Bee is a morning session (8.300am – 10.30am) scheduled for Saturday 23 March.  A barbeque and refreshments will be provided during this time. 

Easter Colouring Competiton

Details of the 2024 Easter Colouring Competition for primary school students in the Kew electorate can be found on the School Community page in this Newsletter.  Jess Wilson MP invites all the students to get involved.

School Closure Day

Our first school closure day for Staff Professional Learning will take place this Tuesday 12 March, immediately following the Labour Day Long Weekend.  We hope that this provides some families the opportunity to have an extra long weekend.


Wishing everyone a great weekend,

Frank Dame