From the Principal

Samantha Jensen

Dear Parents and Carers,


Here we are at Week 8! It has been a week of NAPLAN for our Year 7 and 9 students and assessments for other year levels. It has been so pleasing to see all our students ‘showing up’ each morning to give their best. Repeatedly, we are all so proud of the tenacity and determination shown by our students towards their learning, and how they balance this with their commitment to co-curricular activities, clubs, sport and exercise. There is no doubt that a very well-earned break awaits everyone very shortly! 


A recent Principal's Tour
A recent Principal's Tour

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role as Principal is to meet with prospective families at our regular Principal’s Tours, Open Days and Enrolment Interviews. What always strikes me is that when I ask the question; ‘how did you hear about Mt A’ it is almost always a case of ‘word of mouth’ from our own community. Eg. “My work colleague’s daughter comes to Mt A and they thrilled by the College”. I want to take this opportunity to thank all families in the College who continue to support and advocate for our College in these simple but ever so significant ways. 


In Southeast Queensland we are very fortunate to be surrounded by an excellent choice of secondary schools across all sectors (State, Catholic and Independent) but this availability of choice at all price points, does make for a very competitive landscape when it comes to securing future enrolments. As Principal, I can never take this for granted. This is particularly true now that many of our sister schools are offering Year 5 and 6 options.  


Thanks to the commitment of our Registrar, Deputy Principal’s and Deans of Middle and Senior Years we have just completed interviewing over 230 prospective families for our 2027 intake (a record number!)  These families come from 40+ Catholic and State Primary schools and the vast majority of them have vehemently professed that Mt A is the only choice for their young person. 


I share this with you, not to gloat but rather as a testimony to the fabulous work that we are all doing; staff, parents and students to ensure that the good reputation of our College is known beyond our own gates. Thank you to all our supportive parents and carers who continue to act as such positive advocates for our College. It really does speak to the supportive and affirming community we are and to the excellent work that we continue to do together in the realm of academics & pathways, wellbeing, co-curricular and student engagement and development. Go us!


Thank you to all of our Parent Partners for your commune, feedback and collaboration on March 5th for our first panel of 2024. At this first connection, Deputy Principal of Student Development and Wellbeing Kathy Dendy shared with our parent panellists comprehensive data on student wellbeing at the College and the programs and approaches we have in place for 2024. 

Our parents also have an exciting NEW social function in the planning for parents and carers this year. Stay tuned!


I do hope that everyone enjoyed the first instalment of our Franciscan Grow it Forward initiative! 


I commend the outstanding work of our resident Curator of Gardens - David Pratt and Head of Engagement, Marketing and Communication – Emma Velthuis for making it all happen so beautifully. Stay posted, there will be more to come!


As we continue our Lenten journey together, remember that…..


“You already carry the blessed seeds of your own flowering deep within. Every human heart is full of divine promise and power. Your human experiences of joy in your life, courage in your pain, freedom in your fear, letting go in your resentment, staying truthful in a web of lies, fighting depression, staying faithful to your promises, growing younger in spirit as you grow older in years – they are all, somehow, experiences of the infinite Source of Life” (O’Leary, The Happiness Habit, 69).



Peace and all good,

Samantha Jensen