School Council News

I hope you and your family are in good health and high spirits. It feels like we have just started the term, but the Easter holidays are already around the corner! So far this term the highlights have included Year 12 Formal, Year 7 family welcome BBQ and the recent Leadership Assembly, which I was honoured to attend along with the Secretary of the Department of Education Jenny Atta and City of Kingston Mayor Jenna Davey-Burns. I loved seeing the proud representatives collecting their badges and the musical interludes were fantastic. Our kids did us proud.


NAPLAN testing starts on 13th March. As parents, we all want our kids to do well on tests, but sometimes in our desire for our kids to succeed, we can put too much pressure on them. One way to help kids is to provide them with the resources they need to succeed. For example, finding a comfortable and quiet space for them to study, or providing extra resources for study. As parents, we can try and focus on support and encouragement to do their best – so celebrating achievements, providing positive feedback, and reminding them that their worth is not defined by their test scores. If you have kids in years 7 and 9, good luck with NAPLAN season.


Finally, we have ongoing School Council Elections. Of the current parent representatives, Rory, Etty and I are not re-nominating. I want to thank everyone on Council for the fantastic years I’ve spent as Treasurer, Co Vice-President and President (not simultaneously), and particularly thank VP Rory for his insights and tireless work, and Etty for the collaborative support. For me, it’s been a really great opportunity to discover more about school and make a contribution. The Council team I have worked with has been positive and proactive, and I’m sure that will continue with the 2024 new team. Elections are coming up  – this is your chance to vote for the representatives who work with the school to enhance your kids' learning experience. Details are in Compass and votes need to be at school by Tuesday 12th March.


About Chelt School Council

Every government school has a council. Council’s role is governance and oversight. Council assists to develop and monitor strategic priorities, plans, policies and budgets, working with school staff leadership. School Council members are drawn from students, parents, Department of Education staff and the community. 


To find out more, contact Susannah (President for just a couple more weeks):


 Join the family community on Facebook for swapping information, textbook and uniform secondhand sales:


Thanks so much for being part of our school community and for your continued support and engagement. 


Susannah Bowen-Wheatley

School Council President