Music News

Music Photos

Photos of all College Music Ensembles will be taken on Tuesday, 19 March, from 8:00am to 4:00pm in the Thomas More Exhibition Centre. A schedule of photos will be confirmed in the coming week. All Secondary students are advised that photos are taken in Music Performance Uniforms, with the exception of Chapel Choir. Students may arrive and depart the College in Performance Uniforms and change at convenient recess and lunch breaks. Primary students are photographed in College Uniform (not sports uniform). Instrumental students are advised that photos are taken with instruments. Please contact ensemble directors or the Music Office with any queries.

Music Performance Uniforms

Members of all Secondary Music ensembles are advised that they must have a Music Performance Uniform, consisting of a jacket, trousers, black socks and black t-shirt/singlet in order to be photographed in the Music Photos on Tuesday, 19 March. Performance Uniforms are available through the Uniform Shop, and families are advised to arrange uniforms at their earliest convenience, as sizes and shipping times may vary.

Please contact the Music Department or Uniform Shop with any queries.

Secondary Ensemble Commitment Contracts

Members of all Secondary Music ensembles are required to complete an online commitment contract, detailing rehearsal times, concert performances and other prerequisites for membership. Students and parents are required to complete this online form by Wednesday, 6 March.


Please use the following link to access the form: Ensemble Commitment Contract


James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music