Wellbeing News!

Creating Futures Together

Meet the Team

Celine Tsang-Student Wellbeing Leader/Counsellor







Fosia Mohamud-Mental Health Practitioner







Madeline Mitchell- Art Therapist/Counsellor







Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space where your wellbeing and mental health are our top priorities. We encourage both parents and students to reach out early if there are any concerns so that we can offer timely interventions. Please be assured that counselling sessions are strictly confidential unless safety risks are identified. Parents can contact our Learning and Wellbeing Leaders to discuss concerns and initiate referrals.

For students, your first point of contact is your teachers and the relevant Learning and Wellbeing Leaders. You can also self-refer for wellbeing support using our student referral form Click Here. The referral forms are also accessible through the wellbeing office, which is open to all students. A member of the wellbeing staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible to schedule a session.

Online Safety  

As part of our wellbeing induction for year 7 students, the wellbeing team covered online safety. In today's digital age, where the internet serves as an essential tool for learning, communication, and entertainment, it is imperative that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate online spaces safely and responsibly. 

During the sessions, we engaged students in interactive discussions, providing them with practical tips and strategies to recognise and mitigate potential online risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, and exposure to inappropriate content. By fostering an open dialogue, we aim to empower our students to make informed decisions and advocate for their online wellbeing. 


However, we recognize that the responsibility for reinforcing these crucial lessons extends beyond the school gates. Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in supporting their children's online safety journey. Therefore, we strongly encourage parents to continue these conversations at home, creating a collaborative effort between school and family to ensure the holistic development and protection of our students. 


To facilitate these discussions and provide additional support, we are pleased to inform parents that the eSafety Commissioner offers a wealth of resources and tools specifically designed to promote online safety awareness among children and adolescents. From informative articles and interactive guides to engaging webinars tailored for parents and caregivers; these resources serve as invaluable aids in navigating the complexities of online safety. By taking advantage of these resources, parents can gain a deeper understanding of online safety issues and equip themselves with practical strategies to safeguard their children's digital experiences effectively. Together we can work towards fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive online environment for all members of our school community.  


We encourage parents to visit the eSafety Commissioner's website and explore the wealth of resources available. By staying informed and actively engaged in our children's digital lives, we can collectively empower our students to thrive in an ever-evolving online world. 

Let's continue this important conversation and work together to ensure the online safety and wellbeing of our students, both within and beyond the school environment. 

Click here to access eSafety Commissioner resources 

 Youth Support 

Individual Support is available for young people aged 10 - 25 in the City of Monash. The service is free and confidential offering support, information and referral. Monash Youth Services (MYS) prioritises an inclusive and accepting environment for all, including the LGBTIQA+ community.  


Some reasons that people will want to speak to a youth worker are: 

  • Having a hard time in school/bullying 
  • Self esteem and confidence issues 
  • Feeling anxious or stressed 
  • Work on ways to help you deal with your problems 
  • Concerned with your own or someone else's drug or alcohol use 
  • Feeling down or depressed 
  • Difficulties with friends or family 
  • Want to talk about your sexuality 
  • Not sure where else to go for help 

To contact MYS for information or support you can email one of our intake workers directly at  YRC.Reception@monash.vic.gov.au, call 9518 3900 or in person at Level 1, 2 Euneva Avenue, Glen Waverley, Monday – Friday; 9:00am to 5:00pm.