This term, learners are investigating the writing genres, Recount and Narrative. They are developing their writing skills through connections to the whole school approach, VOICES goals. Their learning will include experiences writing through aspects such as Voice, Organization, Ideas, Conventions, Excellent Word Choice and Sentence Fluency. In Recounts, learners will write about events in the past from a First-Person perspective, using the five 5Ws. In Narratives, they will utilise literary elements such as character, setting, plot and messages to create their own stories. In the InitiaLit component, learners will be exploring grammatical conventions such as Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Sentence structures. Learners will also have regular writing conferences with their teacher to set personalised writing goals that are tailored to their need and to ensure they are supported throughout their journey as authors.
To support your child’s learning at home, you could:
- Ask how they felt about an experience and what made them feel that way.
- When they have found an irregular spelling for the past tense verbs, encourage them to make a sentence with it through speaking and writing, for example go – went, eat – ate, etc.
- Encourage your child to retell an event or a story. You may use ‘first, then, last’ to help them order the events