
Our focus in literacy is listening to a story, retelling the beginning, middle and end events and then drawing, writing and scribing about the story.
The Preps are jumping, clapping and stomping the syllables in a word.
In Maths, the Preps are learning about patterns. They were given opportunities to create, repeat and describe different patterns. During the gallery walks, the students discussed and debated the patterns of their peers. Was the pattern repeating? Was the pattern the same or different to their own?
The Preps also discovered that you can make a movement pattern! They created and performed simple movement patterns for the class in small groups. The movements created represented an animal and how it moves. There were some very creative patterns!
Education in Faith
I wonder what God looks like. This statement provokes our discussions and wonders in Education in Faith. The students have listened to books and used their senses to describe where God is present.