5/6 AG

Our Reading groups have really started to take shape this week. We have started to work in our small groups on our targeted learning activities around our class Novel 'Wonder' and also some short reads. We are working on answering questions in full sentences and making inferences within a text.
In Writing we have started to write persuasively. We have been practising using different techniques so that we can convince our readers.
We have incorporated some Vertical learning in our maths within our Multiplication and Division unit. The students loved having a whiteboard marker and whiteboard where they could work out a number of worded problems. They worked together in groups of 3 and were able to articulate their thinking.
The students participated in some role plays around different types of Governments and levels of government that we have here in Australia. It was great to see the comparisons made in a fun light hearted manner.
We have started to investigate how a bill is passed to then make a new law.
Our year 6 leaders were presented with their leadership badges at last week's assembly. It was great to see them standing happy and proud in front of the whole school.
Lexi and Anastasia did a fantastic job at running their first assembly, well done!
Congratulations to Eva!
Well done Eva who participated in the Bayside District Swimming events last week and came 2nd! Congratulations Eva for having a go and representing our class and our school.
Vic Police Cyber Safety Talk
On Tuesday the 27th of February, we had 2 police officers come to visit us and talk about Cyber Safety. This incursion was extremely informative and allowed our students to ask questions about being safe online. Below are some summaries of what the students took away from the session:
Harrison and Liam - They explained how you should not put personal things when posting on social media. They even explained to be careful when you are on online games like Xbox, PlayStation and Switch. They also said to choose smart user names in online games that don't show any details about yourself. They also said to be careful of what you send on messenger or snap and anything else. If you do send something inappropriate then they may not like it and they will show their parents they might go to the police to report you.
Carmen - From this incursion, I learnt that if someone is cyber-bullying you, you can report that to the police and they can trace the person. I also learnt that kids helpline is always there if you need them. Since I found that out, and I thought it was handy, I then went and looked at the website for more information. In conclusion, it was really fun and I even got a fistbump at the end from the police officers.🤜🤛
We have been noticing a few uniform issues within our classes. Students are allowed to wear their runners and sports uniform on a Thursday (Sport lesson) and a Friday (Kinnect to Dance lesson). We should then see normal Summer uniform with black school shoes Monday-Wednesday.
Just a reminder that tomorrow night is our Welcome Picnic. We hope to see many of you there enjoying the evening.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone,
Miss Ash & Miss Georgia