
As we draw towards the end of Lent and enter into Holy Week we consider that it is the season for preparing for Easter. We remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, his passion, crucifixion and look towards his resurrection.  We are asked to think about how we follow Jesus’ teachings in our everyday lives and where we need to change our ways, and ask for forgiveness.


So we pray…

Lord of the palm procession and hosanna praise,

may your humble kingship

be the pattern of our service,

for the sake of all who suffer and are in need

along the streets of our world.


Lord of the upper room and Passover meal,

may your gift of body and blood

redefine the purpose of our lives,

for the sake of all who hunger and thirst

in the forgotten places of our world.


Lord of the midnight hour and the olive garden,

may your agonising acceptance of sacrifice

inspire the decisions of our days,

for the sake of all who long for love and compassion

in the broken relationships of our world.



St Patrick’s Feast Day & Catholic Education Week Celebrations

Our School Leaders attended the St Patrick’s Feast Day Mass and Catholic Education Week celebrations at St Patrick’s Cathedral and Treasury Gardens last Friday. We were joined by our Parish Schools St Mary’s Whittlesea and St Paul the Apostle. Our Student Leaders represented our school with pride and conviction as we honoured the Melbourne Archdiocese’ Patron Saint and acknowledged the amazing work done in MACS schools across Melbourne. 


St. Joseph's Day


THANK YOU… for your generous donations towards Caritas’ Project Compassion. We were able to raise $320 to go towards ‘All Future Generations’.