Community News

Relay for Life
We are so excited to introduce our very own Relay for Life, which will be held on Friday 22 March at Plenty Valley.
Friday 22 March is a whole school out-of-uniform day for Relay for Life. Please note a gold coin donation is not required. Each year level/sub-school has been allocated a colour to wear for the day/night that represents a form of cancer. We encourage participants to wear as much of their cohort’s colour as possible.
Plenty Kids, Prep, Years 1 & 2: Gold, for Childhood Cancer
Years 3 & 4: Dark Blue, for Colon Cancer
Years 5 & 6: Burgundy, for Multiple Myeloma
Year 7: Yellow, for Bone Cancer
Year 8: Green, for Liver Cancer
Year 9: White, for Lung Cancer
Year 10: Orange, for Leukaemia
Year 11: Purple, for Pancreatic Cancer
Year 12: Pink, for Breast Cancer
Students may wear similar colours if they can’t source their colour. Family and friends are invited to wear any of the listed colours or one of their choices.
Transition from school day to RFL:
The event will start with a whole school assembly at 2:30pm. From 3pm, the whole college will be walking laps around the oval until the end of the school day. Students may choose to stay on for the event straight after school or go home and return when most appropriate. Primary students staying after school need to be supervised by an adult.
A registration marquee will set up on the path toward the top oval. Please be ready to show your online receipt or provide your name upon entry. You can register online via an email that will be sent out with a link attached in a few days.
Registrations are welcomed on the day, but please note that the “early bird” offer of $5 discount will end on March 21st and will cost $20 per person or $45 for a family of any size after that. This money is fundraised for Cancer Council Victoria.
What to bring:
We strongly recommend that participants wear comfortable shoes and warm layers as it may get cold as the night progresses. We are encouraging participants to walk laps and seek sponsorships, in addition to the lap prizes we will have on the evening, too.
We suggest you bring some money for food and activities.
What will the night look like?
This event will be between 3:30 -10:30 pm but you’re welcome to come and go. There will be games, head shaving, live music, crafts, an animal nursery, dunk tank and other activities running throughout the night.
There will be a BBQ on the evening with soft drinks, sausages, burgers, fairy-floss and baked goods being available for purchase, in addition to a coffee van.
The dunk tank will also be active throughout the night, where people can bid donations to dunk their teachers in cold water.
Many free activities will be run throughout the night, but a few other activities will be at an extra cost.
The primary toilets and drink taps will be open for use near the year 3/4 area. Please note only the top oval, primary basketball court and toilets are to be used during the event. All other areas are out of bounds.
Head shaving is being offered on the night, please contact Jessica ( if interested. Alternatively, people with long hair can cut off a significant portion of their hair and fundraise for cancer research.
We look forward to seeing you there, supporting this worthy cause.
Car Park Considerations from the Principal
Our carpark needs to help about 700 students get into cars and leave the school at the end of the day. It relies on drivers and pedestrians doing the expected thing to keep us all safe. Please help by:
- being gracious as you drive,
- keep to the 20 kph speed limit once in the school,
- only park in the marked spaces,
- time your arrival to reduce waiting time (older students can wait safely)
- don’t drop off or pick up students from the Administration areas or behind the gym and
- be mindful that young students sometimes do unexpected things.