Foundation Unit

During the past fortnight, the Foundation students have continued to practise applying their growing knowledge of letters and sounds to decode new words when reading. They have been learning to do this by looking at the first sound, using the picture clues and thinking what would look right and make sense. The Foundation teachers have been very impressed by their ability to use this reading strategy as well as the way students have been justifying their thinking when discussing words we have decoded during reading lessons.
In Writing, students have also been learning how to use their knowledge of letters and sounds to record the sounds they hear in words. Students have been performing sound counts and using an alphabet strip to support them with their writing. We are noticing lots of growth in this area and are super proud of how hard all students are trying during writing lessons. Here are some examples of their fantastic work!
In Maths, we have been investigating patterns and learning the days of the week as well as different words associated with time such as, morning, afternoon, evening and night. Students really enjoyed creating, drawing and continuing patterns as well as sorting pictures of different things we do throughout the day and grouping them according to whether they do that activity in the morning, afternoon or evening. Look at some of our patterns!
We have also been focusing on number recognition from 0 to 10 and matching and drawing quantities of these numbers. Students have been representing different quantities to 10 with counters and drawings, and have learnt to arrange their objects in a way that makes the quantity easy to identify.
The Foundation teachers would like to thank all parents and carers for your support during your child’s first term of learning at Woodend Primary School. We have been so pleased with your commitment towards home reading and assisting your child to learn their Magic Words, as well and revising the letters and sounds we have covered in class. This greatly supports what we are doing in the classroom and makes a significant difference towards your child’s learning so thank you.
Foundation Teachers
Libby Cannon (PLC), Courtney Lawrence (PCL)/Juliet Smith, Bree Smith (PBS)