Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

It’s been a busy fortnight in the Senior Unit with our Year 5 students completing NAPLAN last week. We would like to congratulate them all on how well they carried themselves through the experience.
In reading, we have been practising making inferences while reading by using our prior knowledge and clues from the text. This helps us gain a deeper insight into the complex texts we have been reading. In writing, we have just wrapped up a unit of persuasive writing, with students demonstrating their strong opinion writing skills to create texts that are well structured and include some great persuasive language!
We continued with our learning about categorical and numerical data collection and graphing by analysing data displays. Check out some of the photos of us collecting our own data to create frequency tables. We have now moved into angles this week by identifying and naming the angles we know and using this knowledge to estimate the degrees of angles. We are practising using protractors to measure angles that we create and check the accuracy of our estimations.
After learning about migration in the 1800’s, including the Gold Rush, we have now moved onto the next era of migration in Australia. We shared our prior understanding of the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 before researching to find out more. We then practised our speaking and listening skills by sharing how our thinking has changed with others. This week in Inquiry, we are now researching and finding out about refugee stories which we will share through writing biographies.
Home Learning
Home learning has been handed out to all students and can be found on their Google Classroom accounts. This can be accessed on any device by using their login details. Students have a fortnight to complete the Home Learning tasks which will be due on Friday week from when it is handed out (home learning will be due next Thursday as the public holiday falls on the Friday). It is an expectation that once students have completed all of their learning tasks and are bringing their workbooks back to school, that it is signed by a parent or guardian at home first. Students should not need to complete tasks for longer than 30 mins a night and tasks can be spread out any time throughout the fortnight. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Year 5/6 Teachers
Andrea Evans (56E), Kasey Ward (56W), Nathan Spilsted (56S), Katie Cashen (56C)