Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 13.03.2024

ClassStudent Detail

For persisting with his writing and working really hard on his sound counts when spelling new words. 


For always displaying the school values and showing a strong interest in her learning. 


For doing a terrific job at sounding out new words and recording the dominant sounds when writing.


For being a kind, caring and responsible classmate in PLC. Well done River!


For your positive attitude towards learning. Trying your hardest and having a go even when you're unsure! 


For being a learner by using reading strategies to help work out unknown words in guided reading and rereading to improve her fluency. Terrific effort Remi!


For being a ‘chunking’ superstar! You’re doing a great job of using the chunking strategy to help your reading. Well done, Maisie! 


Otto for being a kind and caring friend in the playground.


For demonstrating our school value ‘Be Responsible’ by reading at home each night and always being organised and ready to learn every morning. You’re a STAR Daisy! Keep it up.


For being a responsible member of 3SQ and taking great care in her work. You’re a star, Elena!


For being an active learner by asking questions to extend his thinking and choosing challenging activities in class. 


For always demonstrating a positive attitude towards our learning tasks and willingly contributing relevant ideas to class discussions. A wonderful effort Owen.


Class of the Week - 13.03.2024

FrenchPLC For always having fun while learning in French.

Artists of the Week - 13.03.2024

Year 5 students looked at Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman’ and then used this painting as inspiration for their own paper picture of a ‘Spooky Character’.  Great work Year 5.

Our Star Artists are: Zara, Lucian, Lucy, Oscar, Violet, Nyah, Allie, Ryler, Evie, Taylor, Lucinda and Georgia.

Assembly 20.03.2024

ClassStudent Detail

For her creativity when exploring and creating patterns and always showing pride in the presentation of her work. 


For doing a great job at blending sounds together to identify a word made.


For your fantastic effort sounding out your words and including ‘Golden Words’ in your writing. Well done Harry!


For your consistent demonstration of the school values. You set a great example to others. Well done Eadie!


For showing the school value of ‘Be Responsible’ by helping out in the classroom - often without even being asked! Thanks Roy! 


For your outstanding efforts towards being flexible during NAPLAN! We are so proud of your confidence and persistence that you are showing us all in Grade 3. You ROCK Elizabeth!!


For approaching NAPLAN testing with a positive attitude and getting through every test with a smile. You’re a legend, Lex!


For showing responsibility by ensuring he completes jobs efficiently with his group and for always being willing to lend a helping hand in the classroom. You are a Star Finn!


For a superb effort with her reading activity on Beth the child convict. Keep it up Willow!


Well done Ruby for demonstrating a confident and positive attitude when presenting a very well written speech for Junoir School Council. Congratulations for becoming our class representative.

Artists of the Week - 20.03.2024

Year 4 students have been looking at Australian Indigenous art - both traditional and contemporary.  They painted pictures in both styles.  Some of their contemporary paintings are our Star Artworks this week.

Our Star Artists are: Alana, Miles, Eve, Hamish, Archie, Audrey, Harvey, Joseph, Jacob, Mabel, Lily and Owen.