Around The College

Study Tour to Japan in 2024- FINAL CALL
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We still have places available for the Japan Trip 2024. If your son/daughter is between Year 9 and Year 11 and is interested in Japanese culture, please consider the following tour. Students do not have to be currently studying Japanese or have ever studied Japanese before.
Details are as follows:
- Cost: $7000, which includes the airfare, airport taxes and fuel surcharges, land travel and accommodation, sightseeing excursions, an overnight trip to Hiroshima and home stay.
- Travel dates: 7th Sept to 23rd September 2024
Interested students and their families can email me at:
This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to combine the excitement of travel to a country with a unique culture with a valuable opportunity to extend their skills in using the Japanese language.
We hope your child will be able to participate.
Angela Pollock
Languages Exchange Coordinator
Valentines Day
In honour of Valentine’s Day, the College Captains ran a school initiative on Valentine’s Day, Wednesday the 14th of February, to acknowledge those who mean the most to us. With the help of staff, the College Captains successfully ran a note-writing stall during recess and lunch for our peers and teachers, hoping to lighten up their day and acknowledge their impact on individuals’ lives and the Brentwood community.
We sincerely hope that the messages bring a smile to students and staff, and we hope to run similar events throughout the year to embrace the school culture and to offer a light of happiness throughout the school year.
The college captain team is always open to suggestions on similar initiatives, and we would love to hear from you. A special thank you to the library staff for helping us by providing supplies.
Happy Valentine's to all who celebrate, and don’t forget to acknowledge those that mean the most to you!
Our Warmest regards,
Aimee, Anton, Madi and Hibah, College Captains.
German Basketball Team Visit
From Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th, Brentwood was very lucky to be able to host a boys basketball team and their coach, Sven Wehrmeyer, from the Berlin Cosmopolitan School in Germany. We were their last stop on their Australia trip, having first been to Sydney.
On Monday, we showed them around our school, with a collective favourite definitely being the gym, where they were able to play with an Australian football for the first time and showcase their basketball skills. We then were joined by our principal Mr Ballagh and the teachers from the Languages faculty, as well as year 12 German language students, and all gathered in the TLC for a lunch of sandwiches. This was a great experience to compare some aspects our two schools, some notable differences being the duration of the school day, uniform, and extra curricular activities. We also very much enjoyed alarming the boys with stories of Australia's 'drop bears' and them in return scaring us with Germany's supposedly 'giant mosquitos.'
During lunch, some of our Brentwood students took on the Berlin Cosmopolitan School's team in an epic match. Almost the entire school came down to spectate, and the gym was packed with a very enthusiastic crowd. The game was quite close, with Brentwood ultimately taking the win, however both teams showed great drive and sportsmanship.
Unfortunately, due to the public transport situation that was a result of Tuesday's storm, the team was not able to return for an organised match on Wednesday, but we thoroughly enjoyed having them for the two days and wish them all the best for their future endeavours. This was a great opportunity to extend our knowledge of a culture different to our own, create forever-lasting memories, and overall embrace the spirit of international camaraderie.
Thank you very much to the Berlin Cosmopolitan School's team and their coach for visiting us, we hope you enjoyed your time here and we look forward to being able to host your team again in the future! Many thanks also to Frau Bruns and Frau Gemenetzi for organising and overseeing this, as well as the other Brentwood staff that helped out.
2024 Language Captains
Jessica and Michiko
Brentwood Secondary College will continue partnering with The Resilience Project in 2024 both through ASPIRE lessons for Years 7 to 10 students and using this framework to support the College values and increase the positive climate around the College. The Resilience Project also supplies information and resources aimed at supporting parents and families too.
The Resilience Project is committed to teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill-health and build young people’s capacity to deal with adversity.
Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy to build resilience.
Check out their website for more information:
And check out TRP@HOME; a place filled with inspiration and activities for the whole family, to help improve your wellbeing and build resilience.
Free, Positive Wellbeing Tips at Home - TRP@HOME (
New Canteen Supplier
Please note that online orders are not yet available.