Principal's Report

Principal's Message
School Fete
All of the students are looking forward to the fete on November 7, please make sure you have made your token purchase via the front office before the day. You will still be able to get some tokens on the night but you will reduce unnecessary time waiting in lines by making your token purchase beforehand.
Art for sale at the Fete
As part of our fete we will have an art display in the library. Every child in the school will have 1 piece of art for sale in the library. Family members can make a donation of any amount they choose to purchase their child's artwork.
Purchases can be made with tokens or cash.
You will need to work out which member of your family is going to make the purchase as there is only one item for sale per child.
Stage 2 and 3 Sport
Our Stage 2 and 3 students have been experiencing some exciting Term 4 sport activities this term with Spring Loaded, Beach Games, Mountain Biking and Surfing.
You will probably be aware that this level of opportunity is not offered at many schools and we are blessed to have such capable and willing staff members who make it happen. These opportunities are able to be delivered as a result of a number of factors:
- Wonderful staff
- Our strategic commitment to extra curricular opportunities within our school vision
- Great behaviour of students
- Supportive parents and P & C committee
Thank you to our staff, students and parents for working together for the benefit of the Boambee Public School community.
School Swimming and Water Safety Program
The NSW Department of Education School Swimming Scheme is an intensive learn to swim program, which develops water confidence and provides students with basic skills in water safety and survival. Our Year 1and 2 students have been attending the Sawtell Pool every day for the past 2 weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It has been great to see our little people hauling in their extra bags each day, excited to be off on another adventure.
A huge thank you is due to the staff of these classes: Mrs Davis, Ms Boyd, Mrs Rowe, Miss Franco, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Lang and the staff at Sawtell pool. Our staff have worked extremely hard during this period to make sure the program has been safe and effective. Mrs Davis and Mrs Lang have even got in the pool voluntarily every day to provide extra staff to the program for Year 1. This enabled even smaller group instruction for our youngest swimmers.
Mr Pike has also done a huge amount of work behind the scenes organising the swimming program. Thank you!
Parents and Citizens Association Meeting
Please join us for our next P and C meeting on Monday, November 11. All are welcome. Canteen Helpers - The P and C still need more helpers in the canteen. If you can provide some support on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday it would be greatly appreciated. Please call the office on 6653 1107 to volunteer.
Service Recognition
An organisation can only excel through the support and dedication of it's employees. The Department of Education issues service recognition certificates to acknowledge 20, 30, 40 and 50 years of service. Last week at assembly I had the privilege of presenting 20 year certificates to Mrs Watson and Mrs Sciortino.
On behalf of the Boambee Public School community I thank these valued employees for their ongoing commitment to our school and to public education in NSW.
Principal's Awards
Jack Duda - KH
Outstanding improvement and growth in Writing.
Hudson McConnell - 4M
Hudson shares his art with other students in the library, he is also a positive role model for younger students and helps to pack up the library at the end of the lunch.
Sienna Morrison - 1L
Fantastic writing to achieve learning goals.
Harrison O'Brien - 4M
Active and engaged during class discussions.
Jack Gittoes - 3ML
Always demonstrating the school values and a positive return to Boambee after being away.
Zavier Hatfield - 4M
Zavier went around the wellbeing area after crunch & sip and collected any rubbish he saw including rubbish from other students not in his class. Taking care of the area by keeping it clean.
Mairead Smith - KH
Mairead has tried her absolute best since starting at Boambee. She is always working hard to challenge herself to achieve her learning goals.
Umbrellas for sale
We now have a limited number of Boambee umbrellas available for purchase. They are $30 each and can be picked up and paid for at the front office.
School Photos
School photos have been sent home. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.