From Our School Leaders

Market Day This Saturday
Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to help on a stall at our Market Day on Saturday. These stalls can’t run without the support of our parent community, so if you can spare an hour of your time, please let your class teacher know; it would be appreciated.
We are starting to get a large collection of pre-loved books, toys and games; we will be accepting donations until Friday afternoon.
We are asking our community for some help making items for us to sell at our Bake Sale stall.
If you can assist, we would be very appreciative of baked goods like muffins, slices or biscuits. We would suggest bagging items into packs of 4-6. We also require these baked items to have a label with all ingredients listed please. Unfortunately, we are unable to except any items that need refrigeration, so no cream filling or cheesecakes. We also require some volunteers to help look after the stall on Market Day; if you can spare an hour of your time between 10am and 2pm we would love your assistance. Please email Donna to be put onto the roster, at
As we would like your baked goods to be as nice and fresh as possible, we can receive your wonderful donations on Friday 25th October, or on the morning of the Market Day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna or Sue at
The Market Day will be a fantastic school event and we hope to see everyone there on the day.
Family Movie Night – Friday 8th November
With our nights getting warmer, we are going to be running an outside Family Movie Night on Friday 8th November. The movie we will be showing is Finding Nemo in recognition of our fundraising for the Great Barrier Reef as part of our school's Colour Run.
Families are welcome from 5.00pm, with the movie beginning sharply at 5.30pm. Weather permitting, the movie will be shown in the undercover area; the movie will be moved to the hall if the weather requires. Families will need to bring their own seating and snacks/dinner for the evening. Drinks will be on sale on the night.
Opening Morning (Writing) - Thursday 31st October
We love welcoming in our families and friends to see the wonderful work that our students do here at SPS. Last week, we had many families come and experience one of our Morning Rigour sessions – learning about our phonics and Rainbow Maths programs.
Next week we invite you to come and see a Writing session in action. The Writing session will run from 9.00 – 9.45am, and we would love you to come in and experience our students at work on their Writing.
Planning For 2025
Our 2025 Foundation students had their first transition day last week. It was so exciting to have them here with us. There are new faces and families joining us, as well as existing families with children who are very confident in knowing the school!
We are also beginning to think about our 2025 classes, which might sound early but we take time and effort to make sure these are as balanced as can be in many different ways.
We do accept parent requests, as long as they are on educational grounds; we don’t accept requests for teachers. These requests are overseen by the Principal team rather than classroom teachers, as this allows us to ensure all requests are received and treated fairly and equitably. All requests must be in writing or email. Please forward all requests to Sue Hartley directly. Email or written requests are accepted with a cut-off time for submission being 4.00pm on Friday 8th November 2024.
This year, our staff will take the following into account when forming classes:
- Student learning needs
- Current teacher recommendations
- Class balance (number of boys and girls, similar cross-section of achievement levels, etc.)
- Parent requests (if able to be fulfilled)
- Student sociogram requests (ie. ‘Who I work well with’)
Parents will be informed of their child’s class and teacher when the end-of-year reports come home.
Colour Run - Friday 22nd November
Get your colour on! Scoresby Primary School is hosting a Colour Explosion Fun Run!
Colour Explosion Fun Run will be on Friday 22nd December.
Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes.
Camp Oasis 2024 – From Mrs Hartley
It has been a real joy to attend this year’s 3/4 camp. The children have had a wonderful time tasting new food, staying away from home (some for the first time), and trying new experiences. It has been lovely to see the children step out of their comfort zones, explore new opportunities, and grow. Our students have cared for and supported each other along the way too.
School camping programs are a great opportunity for our young people to explore new ideas and challenge themselves in a safe and supported environment. Camps offer a chance for children to build resilience and independence, while also providing an opportunity for children to deepen, and sometimes make new friendships. All of the above has happened at this year’s 3/4 camp.
Congratulations to Mrs Caroline Foenander, who was the Lead Teacher for our camp this year; it was a great success due to her terrific organisation. Also thanks to Carolyn Sheaf, Larissa Holdsworth and Jenny Clarke for attending and taking time away from their families as well.
I had a great time away with Scoresby PS Year 3/4s, and I know the kids did too.
Scoresby Primary School Leaders