Focus on Learning
Stage Two- Miss Humphrey
Stage 2 has had an amazing start to term 4. We have been very busy!
In writing we have been working towards creating a persuasive speech, that convinces our audience that our chosen individual (e.g. Taylor Swift and Roald Dahl) are role models. This task has required us to use all our writing skills we have learnt this year. Student have been working towards writing an engaging, entertaining text that uses lots of descriptors and persuasive devices to convince their reader.
In Maths we have been focusing on Units of measurements. We have been doing lots of fun tasks that solidify our knowledge of estimating and measuring objects in mm, cm and m. (we have also been practising using abbreviations for these words!).
We are very proud of all of our stage 2 students for how well they have done in their PAT testing earlier this term. They have been working very hard to improve their reading this year and it shows!