What's On in 3/4

Literature CIrcles
Two weeks ago, the 3/4 students took responsibility for their learning during Literature Circles, engaging with different books that they selected themselves. Through this shared reading, they explored themes, characters, and ideas, leading to meaningful discussions in their groups. Each student took on specific roles, such as Discussion Director, Word Wizard, Literacy Luminary, Connector, Summariser, and Illustrator/Mapper. These rotating roles help foster collaboration and critical thinking, as well as a deeper appreciation for what books can provide.
It was wonderful to see our Year 1/2 buddies again! This time, the 3/4 students had a specific goal in mind. Since they will be writing a picture storybook this term, they needed to understand the reading preferences of their intended audience—yes, their Year 1/2 buddies! Before their visit, the 3/4 students created relevant questions for each grade, which were then combined into the one questionnaire for the whole cohort. After the interviews, they enjoyed reading the books their buddies loved.
Public Speaking Competition
Our Year 3/4 students recently geared up for the Public Speaking Competition hosted by Rangeview Primary School with an exciting topic: "If I Ruled the World..." Each student was encouraged to let their creativity shine as they explored their vision for a better world. In their speeches, students shared their ideas on how they would make positive changes, tackle important issues, and inspire others to join them in their vision.
The selection process for choosing the one 3/4 student to represent Whitehorse Primary School was quite involved. Each interested student first presented in front of their class and then their cohort. We were excited to hear the unique perspectives shared by the students and saw their confidence grow as they prepared to present to their peers. Congratulations to all our 3/4 speakers for their hard work, and we wish Moli all the best of luck at the competition next week!