What's On In 1/2

We enjoyed our buddy session where the students shared their favourite books and why they love reading. They talked about types of books, different characters and what kind of plots would be interesting to write and read about. The students are waiting in anticipation for the finished products so that they can get together again to share their narratives.
Last week, we had a wonderful time showcasing our amazing specialist programs with the wider community. It was lovely to see so many families turn up to celebrate this event! The 1/2 teachers were especially proud to see so many of our students displaying their musical talents during the final performance.
During our Maths sessions students have been investigating time. Looking at both digital and analogue time as well as calendar work. We have challenged the ones to look beyond o’clock and half past to quarter to and quarter past. They have done a great job at distinguishing their daily schedules and playing various TIME activities. Please feel free to discuss Time at home with your kids and get them to practise telling the time and looking at clock faces.
This term, the 1/2 students spent one lesson a week at Questacon. In Questacon the students use their reasoning skills and hand-on materials to solve mathematical problems and puzzles. This is a great session where students develop their teamwork and problem solving skills.
Garden -
Grade 1/2 students have continued to embrace their fortnightly garden sessions, exploring the garden and learning all about the wonderful world of plants. Over the past few weeks, Ashley has been busy helping our students prepare for the Grade 3 harvest sessions by teaching them how to identify different herbs in our garden. Can you believe we have six different types of mint in the garden?