Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
What a wonderful afternoon we had last Wednesday with our Specialist Expo highlighting the quality of teaching and learning in our specialist program across the school! It was great have the opportunity to see so many students and families engaging in activities which highlighted the work of our specialist teachers. I’d also like to acknowledge all the students who showed confidence in performing to a large audience in our gym to wrap up the expo. Thank you to Ms Deng, Ms Cousins, Mr Merriweather and our classroom teachers for delivering such a community focused event.
Foundation Orientation
Last Friday we welcomed our 2025 Foundation students for their first orientation session. The students had a great time exploring our Foundation classrooms and thank you to the families who participated in our parent session focusing on whole school approaches. We look forward to welcoming our 2025 Foundation students back in the next few weeks.
Year 3/4 Hooptime Regional Finals
Last Wednesday our Grade 3/4 team participated in the 3/4 Hooptime regional finals. After a tough first game the team came together and played through some tough competition with two close wins to setup a playoff to make the Grand final day in December. Unfortunately due to a fixture miscommunication this game did not go ahead which means our team was successful in making it through to the Grand Final on December 5th. Thank you to all the parents that assisted with scoring on the day and to our team Harper, Karina, Claire, Chloe, Caleb, Isaac, Thomas, Hamish, Sam and Leo.
OHSC 2025
I’d like to inform the community that our Out of Hours School Care program is currently out to tender for 2025 and beyond. This was a decision made by the School Council to support the long term viability of the program and to work towards enabling our 4 year old Seedlings students and their families the opportunity to access before and after school care whilst enjoying the benefits of sessional kinder. This will also likely lead to the program offering longer hours for current families than offered in 2024. We will continue to keep the community updated as this process progresses. I would also like to acknowledge the work and dedication that Karen has given to our school community over many years in this role and with great support from Cheryl and Heloise.
Kind regards,
Andrew Den Elzen