
I would like to start this week’s newsletter by thanking you all for your support and sensitivity as our wider community comes to terms with what can only be described as a complete tragedy. The devastating death of grade 5 student Jack Davey is being felt deeply, not just by the Auburn South Primary School community, but by our own school community. Our heartfelt sympathy remains with everyone at Auburn South and with Jack’s family and friends at this very sad time.
Our focus is always the welfare of our students, staff and broader school community, so I would like to remind you, that support is available at school for anyone who needs it. Our Wellbeing team is available to all students. If you or your child would like to arrange a time to speak to a member of this team, please contact Kate, Sarah or myself at school.
If you are concerned your child is not coping with this tragedy, please let us know. We will make every effort to support students who are distressed.
Auburn South Primary School principal Marcus Wicher has extended his heartfelt thanks to everyone in our local community for their generous offers of support and their sensitivity, as their school navigates the ongoing impacts of this tragedy. If you have any questions, particularly about the supports available to you and your family, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Melbourne Cup holiday and that you got to spend plenty of time with your friends and family. It is hard to believe that it is week 5 already! There has been so much happening in our Solway community over the past fortnight, and a lot more to come before the end of Term 4. It has been pleasing to see our students living our school value 'respect', through the last fortnight. Students have been responding to the messages and taking it upon themselves to pick up rubbish in the yard and keeping their classrooms neat and tidy. Teachers are continuing to have conversations with classes on how we can show respect for others and the environment.
On Monday, teachers used our last curriculum day for the year to start the process of writing reports. A lot of time goes into ensuring that they have data and evidence to provide you with accurate information on your child’s progress. Information regarding the release of Semester 2 reports will be communicated later in the term.
I understand that word may have been spreading within the community, that we are planning to add Science/STEM back into our specialist program for 2025. I can confirm that this will be the case. I am very excited to be able to offer this opportunity to our students, as Science and the ability to be a critical thinker is incredibly important to supporting our learners in their futures.
On behalf of the staff at Solway, we are extremely grateful to our parent community for organising a morning tea to celebrate World Teachers Day. Thank you to all involved. I was amazed at the amount and quality of the spread on offer. I can honestly say it was one of the best morning teas I have experienced at a school. Thank you again for your generosity and support.
Friday 8 November is Crazy Hair Day at Solway! I am looking forward to seeing all sorts of wonderful hairstyles on the day. A reminder that in lieu of a gold coin donation, we are asking students in Prep to year 2 to donate a can of coloured hairspray and students in years 3-6 to donate lollies that are in sealed packages. This is to support stalls at our 2025 Community Fair. Teachers will send further communication this week.
A final word of thanks to all who were able to attend our morning teas over the last few weeks. I have learnt so much about Solway and what makes it a wonderful community. I appreciate the apologies from those who were unable to attend and look forward to hosting more events like this in the new year.
Our swimming program for prep to grade 4 has finished for this year. A massive thank you to our teachers for the organisation and flexibility to support our learners during this time. Thank you also to the parents that have assisted classes on the bus, and at the pool. We could not run a program like this without your support.
Congratulations to Logan Y in 5F who recently competed at the Victorian Junior Chess Championships in the Under 12 division. Logan battled hard all day and represented himself and Solway with integrity, finishing with 2 wins from his 7 matches.
Congratulations also to Jaxon S in 5D who placed 2nd in the 1500m at the Eastern Metropolitan Primary Track and Field Championships on Thursday 24 October. Jaxon now moves on to the State Championships in November.
Finally, congratulations to our Junior Superstars Hooptime team for winning their event last week. Thank you to Kelly Hendry and Trent Greenaway for managing and coaching the team.
Thank you for your support and lets all strive to be “our best always”.