Aussie Bird Count

Last Wednesday NHS students went to the Narrandera Wetlands to participate in the Aussie Bird Count week – Australia’s nationwide bird monitoring event, organised by Birdlife Australia. 


Students became citizen scientists for the day - "A citizen scientist is a member of the general public who collects and analyses data relating to the natural world, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists."   They were guided through the count with the knowledge from scientists from Charles Sturt University,  the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) and Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.  Students had the opportunity to gain scientific skills, and learn about life cycles, habitats, adaptations and interrelationships in the natural world.


A variety of birds species were counted on the day. A special thanks to Nioka Dupond who arranged for our participation in the event.


Mrs Priscilla O'Mahoney

HT - Learning and Intervention