From the Principal Team

Natalie Shanahan, Sam Fleming, Claire Johnston




Benvenuti a tutti...

Καλώς ορίσατε όλοι...



Wherever your family is from, we WELCOME you.... the first newsletter of the new year! 


This is where you will find all of the information you need regarding events, activities and programs across the course of the year. 


Welcome Back Students!

Our classes have all been busily engaged in 'get to know you activities'. Our motto 'happy kids learn' is now emblazoned on our rebound wall thanks to some talented students, and is also our mission during the Start Up program across the first few weeks of the year. 

Supporting the children to feel safe, secure and connected to their teacher and their peers is a priority for us at BPS. Our school values take residence on the other side of the rebound wall and are also a focus in classrooms at the start of the year. 



This sets up a great foundation for learning in a supportive environment which encourages kindness, curiosity, risk taking and mistake making.


Welcome to new families!

A special welcome to our 2025 Prep students, their families and those who have joined Banyule from other schools!  We have all been super-impressed by the preparedness for school that our new students have shown. They have displayed independence, kindness and friendship in these first few days. Thank you to everyone who has supported this transition: parents, teachers, school leadership, office staff, and of course the students themselves. Congratulations!


Welcome back teachers and support staff!

We are continually grateful for the high quality of teaching at BPS! Our teachers go above and beyond to create a positive and safe learning environment for our students. As a staff, we pride ourselves on being continuous learners and are continually reflecting to ensure we remain aware of our school's learning and wellbeing priorities. Our first two professional learning sessions have be testament to this, providing the opportunity for teachers and educational support staff to focus on what great teaching, learning and wellbeing support will look like across the school here at Banyule in 2025. 


Welcome Parents!


Parent/Teacher Meetings in 2025

We have made a few changes to our parent teacher meeting program for this year in response to feedback. The year will begin with an open classroom afternoon. This will provide an opportunity for parents to;

  • meet the classroom teacher/s
  • have an opportunity to see the classroom
  • ask general questions regarding class and year level processes and happenings 
  • listen to their child present their learning goal/s

Parents of students with identified additional needs will be contacted to arrange a separate meeting at a different time to develop Individual Education Plans. If you have any private or personal matters that you wish to discuss with the classroom teacher please contact them via email to arrange a meeting. 


Formal Parent/Teacher interviews will be scheduled for the end of term two, where teachers will provide information on individual students learning progress. This will replace the three way conferences previously held.


Welcome everyone!!!


Family Picnic

Following the open classroom time all families are invited to the oval for a relaxed afternoon to get to know one another. 


The gym toilets will be open for use on the evening. Please note that children need to be supervised by parents and are required to stay on the oval. The other areas of the school will not be supervised and following some accidental damage caused during last year's Christmas carols evening, we ask for your support with ensuring children are close by. 



Our first official assembly for the year will be held on Monday afternoon at 3.00pm. All parents are welcome to attend assembly. Our Yr 6 Captains will be presented with their badges next week. 


Parent Payment Arrangements

We are reliant upon parent contributions to support the teaching of the curriculum, run intervention programs, purchase library resources, and support our building and grounds projects.  Parent contributions also enable us to employ our first aid officer, maintenance person and school librarian.


Thank you for you ongoing support, it really does make a difference! 


Natalie, Sam and Claire



Want to see more? 

Follow us on our 'socials' for a window into what we're up to at Banyule Primary School....