
Hello and welcome to our last newsletter for 2024. Terms Three and Four were jam-packed with study and excitement in Italian. Prep pupils gained confidence in speaking and listening Italian via tales, role-plays, and games. To practice their language skills, preps have employed rhythmic rhythms to perform basic chants and songs. Students have also learnt names for body parts, greetings, animals, and colours in Italian.




During Terms Three and Four, students in Years One and Two began reading and writing short sentences in Italian and practiced pronouncing Italian words correctly. Students focused on the grammatical usage of adjectives and nouns related to animals, the body and colours. Students also learned to count to twenty in Italian. Chants, songs, and games have helped students acquire confidence in their oral pronunciation.



Students in Grades 3 and 4 have continued to improve their listening abilities by comprehending and reacting to spoken Italian in a range of situations. They've done things like listen to conversations, stories, songs, and audio recordings. Students kept using greetings, asking, and answering questions about themselves and others, and writing short phrases. The culture of Italy is integrated into the topic being learned to ensure that the language is taught in the context of the country and its people.


During terms Three and Four, students in grades Five and Six have continued to use greetings and ask and respond to questions about themselves using appropriate pronunciation. Students have begun reading and writing sentences in Italian using adjectives. In addition, they have been learning to express likes and dislikes, count to fifty and how to describe people.