Year 4 Urban Gardening

Welcome back everyone.
BRPS has been chosen to participate in a B&B program (Bed and Breakfasts for Birds, Bees and Biodiversity) run by PlantingSeeds Projects which is a not-for-profit organisation accredited on the Register of Environmental Organisations. See:
The Year 4 students will be involved in indoor and outdoor learnings and practices relating to plants, pollinators, habitats and citizen science over 2 sessions.
The organisation’s flagship program, the B&B Highway, is an urban and regional educational and regeneration initiative supported by the NSW Department of Education for national use, the Queensland Office of the Chief Scientist and the CSIRO’s Atlas of Living Australia.
B&B’s are in over 180 sites in three States – NSW, Queensland and Victoria – with most B&Bs placed in schools. The placing of B&Bs in clusters in nearby locations enables students to be part of a collaborative corridor. This supports local pollinators – many of which are threatened – searching for plants and habitats.
The initiative responds to the alarming decline of pollinators in Australia and globally. The program aligns with councils’ objectives to assist biodiversity regeneration and provide environmental educational programs that impart local and broader knowledge and skills. PlantingSeeds ensures that selected plants are native and support local pollinators.