Assistant Principal's Message

SPBL -School-Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning

As we approach the term's end I am so proud to announce the Padua House as the winners of the SPBL Term 4 Award! They had a wonderful time Monday afternoon celebrating. 


As you can see from the photo the Padua House has worked on their positive behaviour from the first day they all walked in the school gates this term.  


Although, I have never seen so many tokens in all house groups. I'd like to thank all the students for their unreal efforts in following our SPBL expectations.

Wellbeing: UR STRONG: Holiday parties!

Many of us are looking forward to spending time with our extended family and friends during this time of the year.  


But here’s what we often forget…

Holiday events can be quite overwhelming for our children. 

I remember how a few years ago, during a hectic holiday gathering, a friends son was so overwhelmed that I spent most of the party comforting him as he was tired and intolerant. 


Children thrive on structure and routine, it would be good to make sure to prepare them for the holiday events. A “Pre-Event Debrief” is something you could introduce to talk about what’s about to come.

The pre-event debrief can be a great way to create a calm space before the festivities. It will give you time to set expectations with your kids, share the plan, and address any questions. 

It might sound like:“We’ll be visiting Uncle Joe’s house on Saturday. We’ll leave after breakfast and then spend the afternoon with the whole family. You’ll see your grandma and grandpa and all of your cousins will be there too! Let’s come up with a plan when you feel like you need a break from the big crowd…”


You can also agree on a “sign” your child can give you when they feel overwhelmed at the party – like squeezing your hand twice, for example. 

This debrief is also a great time to set expectations around behavior, consumption of sweets, or sharing toys.  

This week’s guide is a script to show you what this conversation could sound like.


2025 - Specialist Days

Sport Days - Monday & Friday - Miss Claffey (Mon)

Library - Tuesday/Thursday Mornings - Mrs Temple

Visual Art - Tuesday - Mrs Traylen

Amadeus (Yrs 3-6) - Wednesday - Specialist Tutors

Music - Thursday & Friday Mornings  - Mrs McInness

Spanish - Thursday  - Mrs Spindel

Best Wishes

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy & healthy New Year. Enjoy spending time with your family and friends over the summer holidays. 


For those who are leaving the STA community, please continue to carry the essence of 'Love and Service' with you. Your unique light has illuminated our halls and classrooms, and I have every confidence that you will continue to shine brightly wherever you may go. Cherish the memories you have made here, embrace the future, and let the spirit of St Anthony guide you always. 


I am looking forward to seeing you all next year! 



Marie Iorfino

Assistant Principal