From the Principal

Good morning everyone, this will be the last newsletter for 2024.
This year has been filled with highlights, including many extra-curricular activities for students to participate in such as: Year level formals, multiple sporting events, camps at Year 7 and 8, camps for Outdoor Education, ANZAC and Remembrance ceremonies, Market Day, Year 7 & 8 showcase afternoons and meeting and greeting students from Osaka and Nara, Japan. Excellent teaching and learning has been evident in every classroom, beginning and finishing each class with Classroom Mastery routines. Students completed the Attitudes to school surveys very positively and more and more students are applying for student leadership positions. As Principal of Mornington Secondary College I have thoroughly enjoyed this year. Thank you for working with us to make our College the best on the Mornington Peninsula. Thank you for being part of our community. On behalf of the staff, I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing many of you at our annual Awards night, 16th December.
Message from Ben Carroll, Deputy Premier of Victoria, Minister for Education.
The Education State
Education is the key to empowering young people to reach their potential.
Our vision
Victoria’s vision for the Education State is to deliver excellence in every classroom, in every corner of the state. Our vision is shared, developed with input from Victorian students, families, teachers and school leaders.
Five key priorities will guide our work over the coming years:
· Excellence in teaching and learning: Informed by the latest evidence, ensuring our dedicated teachers have the most effective teaching tools and support.
· Every student matters: We will ensure safe and welcoming environments – so teachers can do their best work, students can do their best learning, and every school offers a safe and respectful environment.
· Lifting secondary school student engagement and achievement: Strengthen engagement in secondary school, and continue to support every student to embark on a positive post-school pathway.
· Expand, support and recognise our school workforce: Continue to attract, retain and support a highly-skilled, diverse school workforce, including by reducing the administrative burden, delivering professional learning and supporting teaching wellbeing.
· Schools at the centre of communities: Build welcoming, world-class and modern schools, which meet the needs of local communities so every child can have access to a great local school.
As we strive towards excellence in every Victorian government school, we will continue seeking opportunities to partner with the non-government school sector. We will work together to ensure all Victorian students are supported to thrive and learn at school.
Our achievements
The Victorian Government has invested an additional $35 billion in education over the past decade which means Victoria is leading the nation in:
· senior secondary pathways
· NAPLAN results
· student attendance
· mental health and wellbeing support in schools
· disability inclusion
· the number of new schools for local communities.
Victoria is a top performer nationally in reading and writing. In particular, the performance of our students in literacy has consistently improved since 2015. Victorian primary school students now have some of the top results in reading and writing across Australia.
Education is the great leveler. For students who face inequity or hardship, it has the power to transform life outcomes. Victoria is one of the few states making progress in meeting Closing the Gap targets in education, with the number of First Nations students completing Year 12 increasing from 50% in 2001 to 73% in 2021.
Victorian students are engaged in education and work at the highest rates in the country. In 2023, more than 96% of students who started Year 12 completed the VCE, including more than 13% who did the new Vocational Major. Every year since 2020, more than 80% of students have completed Year 12.
We have grown the number of school teachers in Victoria by 8,000 between 2020 and 2023. We gave them more time to plan, assess student needs and deliver great lessons.
We have the largest school building program in the country with almost 50% of new government schools built in Australia in Victoria. Read more about our vision, our achievements, and how we will deliver on our priorities (PDF, 2976KB).
Thankyou for your continued support.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 4
Dec - Monday 16th Presentation Evening - New Peninsula Baptist Church - 6.30pm
Dec - Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th Dec - End of year activity program
Dec - Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4
Term 1 2025
Jan - Thursday 30th Students return
Feb - Thursday 6th Whole School Swimming Carnival
Feb - Monday 10th School Photos
Feb -Monday 17th Morrisby Profiling - Year 9
Feb - Monday 17th to Wednesday Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp - Wilsons Prom
Feb - Thursday 20th Catch up Photo Day
Feb - Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th Year 12 Retreat - Golden Valley Flinders
Mar -Monday 3rd to Friday 7th Year 8 Camp - Phillip Island
Mar - Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday
Mar - Tuesday 11th Whole School House Athletics Carnival
Mar - Wednesday 12th to Monday 24th Naplan
Mar - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st Year 12 Murray River Paddle Camp
Mar - Tuesday 25th College Open Night
Mar - Monday 31st to Wednesday 2nd April Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways
Apr - Friday 4th End of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish
Apr - Tuesday 22nd Term 2 commences
Apr - Thursday 24th College Anzac Day Service 10:15am
Apr - Friday 25th Anzac Day Public Holiday
Apr - Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways
Middle School
Dear Families and Friends,
As the festive season draws near, it’s a time of joy, celebration, and reflection. While the holidays are just around the corner, we’re also focusing on finishing the year strong, ensuring we make the most of these final weeks together.
We are thrilled to share that our recent Orientation Day for Year 7 2025 was a resounding success! It was wonderful to see the smiles, excitement, and enthusiasm of our future students as they embraced the adventure of secondary school. Highlights of the day included exploring the canteen, enjoying games on our expansive oval, and experiencing the stadium. A huge thank you to our incredible Year 7 team—Evangeline Romage, Alexandra MacKenzie, and Transition Coordinator Chris Jones—who made the day unforgettable for our incoming students.
Our Year 8 and Year 9 students also had fantastic end-of-year outings, with the Year 8s enjoying a fun-filled day at Gumbuya World and the Year 9s creating lasting memories at Luna Park. Thank you to Sian Jones and Adam Pirrie for their hard work in organizing these events. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and it’s clear that everyone had an amazing time.
As we head into the holiday season, I thought it would be lovely to share a little something from our talented food department—a recipe from the wonderful Kellie Nottle. Whether you’re baking together as a family or trying something new, we hope it adds a touch of fun and festivity to your home.
Finally, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our incredible students, families, and staff. Your support, good wishes, and dedication make Mornington Secondary College such a special place. I wish you all a joyous Christmas, a relaxing holiday season, and a happy, healthy New Year.
Wishing you a great week.
Denise Leggett
Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
Year 12 results release… the wait is over, VCE results were released on Thursday to our year 12 students and there were some fantastic stories. We doubled the number of students from 2023 who scored above 90 with our Dux achieving a 97.7. Our percentage of 40+ scores have also more than doubled since 2023. The average ATAR increased and after working with Teena in Pathways, we have an increased percentage of students who will be guaranteed a university offer in their top few preferences.
While the media will continue to focus on the ATAR and Study Score results in schools, the most important outcome for any student, is the ‘what comes next’ part of their life. Whether university, TAFE, apprenticeships, other training, gap years or full-time employment, the important outcome for every student is that they are equipped to face their next challenge.
We are incredibly proud of the efforts of the class of 2024, including our ATAR, non-scored and VCE VM students and wish them all the best in their next chapter.
Have a great summer holiday with your families and friends, look after each other and I’ll see in 2025.
What is coming up this term?
Mon 16th Dec – 2024 MSC Awards evening
Kind regards
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
Thank you
As the end of another wonderful academic year approaches, I would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the incredible dedication of our teachers and support staff. They are the engine room of our school, delivering engaging lessons, pushing students to succeed, challenging them to grow and being persistent. At times they have supported students in other ways helping them through the ups and downs of life. Let us never underestimate the influence our staff have on shaping the future generations of our community.
I would encourage everyone to take a moment to have a chat with their children about the difference that specific staff have made to them this year and maybe drop them a thankyou via COMPASS.
Here’s to a well-deserved summer break and another successful year ahead!
The End is Here.
Today (Friday) will be retiring our Mornington Secondary College Domain ( This domain has served us well since 1996, but we have now transitioned the school to @education and @schools. Please note that any communication must use the new email addresses, these have been on COMPASS for over a year.
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Year 8 – Gumbuya World
Whilst our future Year 7's were undertaking orientation day at the college, our current Year 7 cohort, now our Year 8’s, spent the day at Gumbuya World.
It was great to see all the kids trying the rides, even the scary rollercoasters and enjoying the different water activities.
Our students behaviour was impeccable. Everyone, including our staff had a terrific day on the rides and in the water.
Thanks to our staff who attended.
Congratulations to our new cohort and we look forward to having more fun days in 2025!
Wishing all our families a Merry Christmas.
Year 8 Team Leader – Adam Pirrie, Coordinator – Kim Rattue
Luna Park
On Tuesday this week the new Year 9s went off to Luna Park.
Weather was lovely and students enjoyed the experience immensely. Most rides were open for them to go on and even some of the teachers went onto the Scenic Railway Rollercoaster which is 112 years old!
It is only open for schools on this day which makes it feel more special.
It was a great day enjoyed by all.
Sian Jones
Year 9 Team leader
Orientation Day
On Tuesday 10th December we held the State wide Orientation Day and we welcomed our new year 7's for 2025. The students enjoyed a day filled with activities including sports, cooking, drama, Japanese and science.
Facilities Hire at Mornington Secondary College
Mornington Secondary College Squads
MSC’s squads are available to students from year’s 7-12. We strongly encourage students to get involved in at least one squad. This is a great way to keep fit, meet new people and feel connected to a group within the College. It is also a fantastic opportunity to train for a specific event or sporting team to supplement training outside of school and also have the opportunity to represent the school in that given sport or event.
We encourage students to come along and try out these squads- no bookings required, simply attend one of the training sessions outlined. For further information about individual squads please contact the teacher in charge.
All abilities welcome! Each squad has a major focus on participation, so whether you are new to the sport or more experienced and hoping to advance your skills and fitness levels squad coaches will cater for you needs.
The contact details to make an appointment with Doctors in School has changed. If you would like an appointment please email or call 5970 0259.
Stile Booklet - Year 7 2025
To limit the cost of textbooks to parents the school has decided to use Stile X booklets for Year 7 science. The booklets are purchased in a bundle for $20 as opposed to approximately $80 for a traditional textbook. Each topic has a booklet which is a hybrid of a textbook and notebook. Stile bundles will be available for your child once parent contributions have been paid.
To pay for this please log onto compass payment centre and pay the contribution.
Once paid, the student will be given their booklet via Student Services.
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions are now available on Compass, via parent access. Click into the payment centre to view your child's 2025 subjects.
Below are the detailed 2025 subject contributions by year level:
Don't forget to look on Compass for Camps and Excursions for Term 1, 2025
School Saving Bonus
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
By now you should have received your email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities. A step-by-step user guide is available on compass news feed.
To use the funds towards school activities and camps, please follow the instructions in the parent guide and allocate the funds to the school. The School will be notified within a couple of days that you wish to use the nominated amount on events.
When you are ready to use these funds on events, select the credit balance option in Compass and also email to advise the following:
- Amount
- Name of Event
- Name of Student
For more information visit
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
Watch the video tutorial on YouTube
2025 Booklist and How to Order Flyer
2025 booklists are now available for purchase.
Please see the attached "How to Order" flyer for details on ordering online. All orders placed by the 11th December will be delivered to home addresses by Fri 24 January 2025.
NB: Orders placed by the due date, 11th December will only incur a processing fee of $5.95 and free delivery. After the 11th December a processing and delivery fee will be applied to all orders.
Campion Education Customer Support
Ph: 1300 433 982
Email: OR
Or complete the Contact Us form on our website:
Below is a link from Campion Education with further information for parents regarding the School Saving Bonus. Here is the link below:
- Information for parents / carers: FAQs and how-to-order flyers
Uniform Sale
Don't miss out on a bargain!
Summer dresses, woollen jumpers and blue shirts are on sale through the college.
See the flyer below for more details. NB: The summer dress on sale is only for our Year 8 to 12 students.
Community News
Click here to access a link regarding the free tampons and pads initiative which has commenced its roll out and will continue until end of 2025:
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