Year 5/6

Level Newsletter

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From The Team

What a wonderful term we have had! It is crazy to think that we only have 4 days left of Term 1!


This term we have begun our new Rigour program, completed our Learning Community Integrated Studies Unit, participated in the Kaboom Sports incursion, completed our swimming program, had our PFA school disco, practised our athletics skills in PE, completed NAPLAN and our Taco Trucks investigation, as well as a whole lot of fun in Reading, Writing and Maths. The 5/6 team are very proud of how hard all of the students have worked this term, and are very much looking forward to Term 2!


Miss Whittington is going away! She will be on leave from Tuesday 26th - Thursday 28th March as she is going to Vietnam for the holidays to celebrate her Dad’s 'Big 0' birthday. During this time, she will be replaced by a relief teacher. As all of the 5/6 planning is completed collaboratively, learning will continue as normal in 5/6W. If you have any questions during this time, please contact Sarah, Tracy or Sue Hartley.


What we are up to on the holidays…


Miss Whittington: I am going to Vietnam for most of the last week of Term 1, and the school holidays, to celebrate my Dad’s special birthday. It is my first time travelling to Vietnam and I am very excited to explore my 39th country. I cannot wait to see and experience the Vietnamese culture and to eat all of their delicious food such as Phở and Bánh mì. 


Mrs Spelman: It will be a quiet holiday period for me as we have a big overseas holiday planned for the end of the year. However, we are planning on doing some day trips to the Melbourne Museum, to visit the Titanic exhibition, and making the most of our Zoo membership by visiting all the zoos. I’m also hoping that the Easter bunny will leave me as many chocolate eggs as Abigail!


Miss Harper: Over the holidays I’m flying to Queenstown, New Zealand with my partner where I will be going on a 5-day guided walk through the Milford Sound Track, skydiving, bungee jumping, and enjoying a spa day (clearly this one was my choice)! While I’ll be having the time of my life in NZ, I can’t wait to get a couple of days to recover before going back to school. 


Julie: The holidays are going to be quiet for me. Apart from my son being down for a few days, I will be doing some gardening, cleaning out cupboards, having coffee dates and going to watch the Bombers play.


Josh: My holidays will be busy finishing my last two theory modules in my course. Other than that, I will be catching up with some friends and going to the movies a lot.


Raelene: I will be going on an adventure with my little granddaughter to Tasmania. We hope to see some Tasmanian devils, and take a speedboat cruise to visit the seals and dolphins. There is so much history to see, with the older type buildings, and the weather will be a bit cooler, which will be welcome.


Alison: I am looking forward to catching up with family and friends - particularly seeing my daughter who has been travelling in Mexico for the past month and gets back at Easter - camping with my husband and Hastings (the #1 camping canine) at Yea, and eating my own body weight in hot cross buns! Have a wonderful break everyone!


Donna: I do not have much planned for this school holidays as we went away over Christmas break, but I have been thinking that I might dress up my bedroom over these holidays by painting a feature wall a lovely bluey-green colour called 'duck egg blue'. I hope everyone has a fun Easter and a lovely restful break.


Sam: Autumn is my favourite season, so during the holidays I am looking forward to productive chilly mornings and relaxed afternoons enjoying the sunshine. I have set myself the task of learning to crochet over the term break; we will have to wait and see if that is successful! Lilly and I are planning a day out at the Enchanted Maze and Garden in Dromana, and I am looking forward to an Easter lunch with my big kid's partner's family. Term 1 has been a great term, albeit a busy one, so the break for me is a time to recharge ready for Term 2! I hope everyone has a great break, no matter what they do.


- Jordyn, Sarah and Tracy


What We Are Learning



Sustainable Lunches

Our Sustainability team is going to be putting up some bin labels to help kids know what rubbish belongs in each bin. We would love to see our peers using multi-purpose containers in their lunchboxes and reducing the amount of wrappers we bring to school and making sure we put the correct items in the corresponding bins!



A friendly reminder that homework is due on the last day of term! Remember to also read for 20 minutes, 5 nights every week, and fill in your diaries to be checked every Friday.


Easter Donations

If anyone has any donations they would like to contribute, please send any goodies with your child to school to go in our donation baskets! It would be greatly appreciated.



Try This...


Twilight Sports

On Thursday 7th March, we held our Twilight Sports where our school's houses got to dress up in their house colours and enjoy some fun games on the oval. The kids got to embrace the team spirit and work together in their houses to complete the activities. We had a fabulous turn-out of parents coming to support their children and the school, which is much appreciated. Another huge shout out to the PFA for keeping our stomachs full with their sausage sizzle!


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