Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts

Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Another busy fortnight has passed and we are so close to the end of term. The 3/4 teachers would like to say how very proud we are of our Year 3 students for their excellent positive attitude and effort towards the NAPLAN assessments they have completed. They all tried their very best and displayed impressive resilience. Congratulations and a very big well done!


We have also celebrated Harmony Week, and it was fantastic to see so many students dress up in their cultural dress or in orange to represent Harmony.  Level 3/4 will also experience an upcoming Wildlife Xposure Science incursion, and photos will be coming with the next newsletter.


A reminder to students who are swimming, this begins on Monday 15th April and concludes Friday 26th April.  During the holidays, it might be a good time to start getting organised and checking whether bathers fit, finding easy-to-remove shoes (such as thongs or slides), swimming goggles and towels.


Next term, we would like to invite parents to help in the classroom first thing in the morning. This will involve listening to students read and discussing the book to develop their understanding of the text and to articulate their thinking. Thank you to those parents who have already indicated that they will be keen to help us with morning reading in the classroom. If you are willing to help, please let your classroom teacher know which day suits you.


Lastly, the 3/4 team would like to wish all of our families a happy Easter, and a relaxing and safe holiday break.  We look forward to seeing everyone in Term 2.



The 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley


What We Are Learning



  • Please return any overdue library books before the end of term
  • Thursday 28th of March - end of term, 2.30pm dismissal
  • Friday 29th March - Good Friday public holiday
  • Monday 15th of April - Term 2 commences
  • Monday 15th April - Swimming begins
  • Reading logs are due each Friday 


Try This...

Using small paper pieces, all family members write down their ideas of family activities they would like to do together on the school holidays.


Once everyone has written theirs ideas, they are to be folded up and placed into a jar/box for a lucky draw.  Then when the family is together, maybe after dinner, everyone takes a turn to draw out the activity for the next day! This would be great family time for the holidays.


Activities don’t have to be costly and some suggested examples could be:

  • going to the park together
  • play a board game together
  • have ice-cream together
  • build an inside cubby out of sheets
  • do some baking
  • visit family/friends and have a picnic
  • have a movie night at home and make your own snack food 


Level Sports Practising Our Basketball Skills