
Level Newsletter

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Upcoming Important Dates


From Mrs Maguire

I am very happy to hear that Foundation M have been Scoresby Superstars during my absence. I slipped on Saturday and broke my ankle, but am on the road to recovery and missing everyone.


From all reports, the Teddy Bear’s Picnic was a huge success; the weather was great and, most importantly, everyone had fun!


Over the past 2 weeks, the Foundation students have been very busy with their Buddies, painting tyres and tending to the garden.


I wish everyone a happy and safe Easter and I will see you all next term.


What We Are Learning


  • Please read with your child every night and record in their yellow log book.
  • Please ensure your child brings a drink bottle to school every day.
  • School photos will be on Wednesday 17th April. Order forms for each child will be coming home in the next week.

Try This...

The Easter Bunny puts some eggs in a pattern: pink, yellow, blue, pink, yellow, blue… One of his friends says the 17th egg will be yellow. Is he right? Explain your answer.

Teddy Bears Picnic


Tyre Painting With Buddies