Parents' voice

Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the CJC Garage Sale last weekend and to all our volunteers and bakers who made the day a success. The student business corner was particularly colourful with a wide variety of creative items for sale including soaps, freshly squeezed juice, art, ice-cream and bracelets. A big thank you to Anne-Sophie for coordinating the event for a second year.


Today was also the PC’s 2024 AGM.  We were pleased to announce at the AGM that the PC has raised $39,844 for the school


Our major contribution to the School in 2023 was our co-funding of the garden and sandpit upgrade works along Stanley Street to the sum of $39,000.  We also funded the 10 new vegetable garden beds used in the STEM program ($2K), a new drink bottle fill station in second story of the main school building ($3K), paid for the grade 6 year book ($1600) and co-funded the Arts Festival ($1400). 


We achieved this fundraising by running over 18 events, not including Friday Treats that we run each week. The End of Year Party and Silent Auction were a particular success, raising more than $14,210 for the school, with the bar contributing significantly to our profits, closely followed by profits from our Friday Treat Sales at $7,700 and the Uniform shop which raised $6,200.  Next week the full AGM presentation will be available in the newsletter and we will report on the election of office bearers. 


The PC brings together all parts of our parent and grandparent community to work professionally and proactively to improve CJC for our children and to make community connections and friendships in the process. We would welcome your further involvement in 2024 and beyond. 


Term 2 Events – Mother’s Day Breakfast and Stall, Africa Day and Fête de la Musique 


On 10 May from 7.45am to 9.00am we will run a Mother’s Day breakfast and during the day our popular mother’s day stall for students to purchase their mum a special gift.  Save the date – tickets will be available to purchase closer to the date. We are also looking for another Mother’s Day breakfast coordinator to join our strong team of Dads running the event and volunteers to assist on the day with the breakfast.  

Dads can volunteer here to assist for the breakfast here:  Mother's Day Breakfast Sign up

Everyone is welcome to volunteer to assist with the stall here: Mother's Day Stall Sign Up


CJC Families Facebook Group: Did you know that we have a CJC Facebook Group called CJC Families?  The page is used to inform our community of CJC Events, sell 2nd hand uniform, find a babysitter and more. The page is private, and you must be a CJC community member and answer the questions to join. 


EFM - Call for Volunteers: The EFM provides a range of francophone services to our CJC community, including running the ever-popular EFM after school activities. The EFM is looking for additional volunteers to support the management of these programs and other programs. Joining the EFM is a great way to deepen your francophone connections at CJC and beyond. Please contact if you can assist. 


Friday Treats: We hope that you enjoyed the special Hamantaschen today from Vinuage Bakery, as well as our usual Friday treats, icy poles ($2) and pain aux chocolate ($4) from Reverie Café for sale after school from 3.30 until 3.45. A reminder that next week in the last week of term, that only electronic sales are available. 

2024 Events: In 2024 the PC plans to run lots of great events: Bastille Day, Friday Treats, Mother’s & Father’s Day Stalls and Breakfasts, Fête de la Musique in June and an Africa Day in May,  Diwali and the End of Year Party.   If you would like to coordinate or contribute to these events please let us know.  We also have some interested parents who would like to establish a CJC Parent Gardening Team to assist Madame Wilson’s STEM and Garden Program.  Contact us at  


For all parents and carers wishing to volunteer at the school it is essential that you obtain your Working With Children Check – you can apply on line here and it is free for volunteers: Working with Children Check ( 


Amy Pate – President, Rachael Hart – Secretary, Anne-Sophie Aguado – Treasurer and Martine Inge – Head Convenor.

PC Contact email: 




DateEvent TimeDetails / Volunteers 
19 April 2024PC Meeting9.00am -10.00amAgenda: Upcoming events, fundraising projects
10 May 2024 Mother’s Day Breakfast  7.45am to 9.00am

Breakfast will be hosted by CJC Dads for CJC Mums.  Details and ticket sales to follow.  

Please sign up here to coordinate or volunteer on the day: Mother's Day Breakfast Sign up

10 May 2024Mother’s Day Stall9.00am – 2.00pm

Please sign up here to volunteer to assist with the stall. Various times available. 

Please sign up to volunteer over various time here: Mother's Day Stall Sign Up

Friday, 17 May Africa Day 3.30pm – 5.30pmFood, dancing, art and fun. Come and join us celebrate our first Africa Day at CJC. 
June Fete de la Musique Student Disco NightTBALet’s Dance! Details to follow. 
Friday, 26 JulyBastille Day TBABastille Day celebration (due to school holidays we will have a later celebration this year) 
Friday, 30 August Father’s Day Breakfast & Stall 7.45am to 9.00am (breakfast) then stall to 2.00pm.  Save the Date for the Father’s Day Breakfast 
Friday, 6 December End of Year Party 3.30pm – 6.30pmSave the Date for another epic End of Year Party