From the School Leadership Team 

L'équipe de direction de CJC

Dear CJC community,

Parent Open morning is planned for Wednesday 27th March. A short briefing will precede the visit and will commence at 9.20 am. The open morning concludes at 10.30 am with a morning tea in the SLC. We welcome our families to this special event that will focus on the teaching and learning of Literacy.


This week we have communicated to families the sad news of the passing of Diana Duimovich. Diana was a long serving staff member and recently retired from her work as a teacher and proud educator. Diana’s funeral will be held on Monday afternoon. As you will appreciate, we will need to change a range of programs and classroom arrangements to allow a large number of staff to attend this farewell. Families can choose to collect their children from the front office at 1pm. Please let your teacher know if you’re choosing to collect your child at this earlier time. School will operate a modified program for the afternoon.


Our Jewish community have recently celebrated Purim. This important event was acknowledged at assemblies this week. Purim, which literally means “lots” and is sometimes known as the Feast of Lots, is the Jewish holiday in which Jews commemorate being saved from persecution in the ancient Persian Empire.


New Caledonia camp for Year 5 students


In line with our partnership with New Caledonia bilingual schools, we are organising a student camp for Year 5 students. The camp will take place from the 2nd to the 9th of November 2024 in Noumea. We are collecting expressions of interest from our Year 5 students’ families to assess the feasibility of the project. All information has been detailed in the main presentation PowerPoint that Year 5 families will receive on Friday. Please respond by the 28th of March if you are interested.


School finishes on Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm. This is the last day of term 1 and I would remind families of this earlier dismissal time.


School commences for term 2 on Monday April 15th.


On Monday evening we held our School Council meeting in the staff room, and we were able to welcome Daniel Besley and Tom Roth as new members and formally farewell Anne-Sophie Aguado and Maud Rocher-Vagedes who stepped down from their formal Council roles.


 A short summary of the meeting…

ItemsDiscussion/ informationAction
Review of the work done by current CouncilPowerpoint of feedback items from Council members around what was being done well and how we could change the work done, 
Principal Report

Current enrolment numbers of 563 students

Census completed on February 28th

Facilities update on works completed

  • Decking on the SLC being replaced during upcoming vacation 
  • IT server upgrades for holidays
  • Airconditioning / heating servicing and installation
Finance reportReports all tabled and shared with Council membersFinance approvals about banking access, signatories and purchasing were all completed
Team KidsConcerns around access to enrolments for day-to-day attendance and Holiday program was raised 

School is working with TeamKids to alter the arrangements and obtain Federal approvals to alter the licence arrangements to cater for additional enrolments.

This work is in progress and will be communicated to our families once it has been approved.

Election of Office Bearers for 2024 School Council 

President – Joseph Chang

Vice President- Adina Nijemcevic

Treasurer - Marc Warshall


All our Executive team were re-elected unopposed and were acknowledged for the work they continue to do leading the Council.

School Council sub committees

Volunteers from the CJC community are invited to become a sub committee member. This is an ideal way to make a positive contribution to the running of our school.



  • Policy
  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Finance
  • School Identity and Engagement
  • Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)


Please contact the school or approach a member of Council to commence your work as an important volunteer at our school.

Balaclava Road traffic and parking around the schoolA broad discussion was held around the issues, the strategies already used to manage this issue positively and what School Council can do to support this ongoing challenge.
  • Class convenors will get a message to send out.
  • School Council members will meet to formulate a series of further actions.


Please take the time to view our newly installed signage. These signs reflect school value and unique spaces. You will see them on Wednesday at the open morning or when you visit lost property to collect your wayward items.


Thankyou to everyone involved in last Sunday's Garage Sale. A great day and financially a successful day.


Looking at our calendars and with great surprise this week is almost four years to the day since we sent children home and went into lockdown as a response to the COVID pandemic. It is amazing to consider what has changed in that time, what things we do differently and how we manage these types of outbreaks now. We can be very proud of the responses made by the school and our community in that time of challenge. Sadly the impact of COVID has not gone away and we need to be vigilant, monitor the health and wellbeing of our community and stay at home if you have symptoms.