Learning News

Numeracy News Term 1, Week 9
This week in Mathematics, Kindergarten have explored teen numbers. We have been beginning our lessons with songs each day to practise forward counting to 20. The children have learned that teen numbers all begin with a 1! When it is a 1 it is 1 ten and a smaller unit. We have also played many fun interactive games to support the students identification of numerals to 20 including games like ‘Swat!’. Kindergarten have also explored how numbers to 20 can be represented in different ways using concrete and pictorial representations. Here are some photos of Kindergartens great job at using different combinations to make the number 6 using numicon. Awesome Job Kindergarten!
Miss Fraser
Year 1
In our final Maths unit for Term 1, Year 1 has been looking at place value and how numbers can be represented in many different ways. We started by investigating all the different ways we can make the number 10, and realised that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten! Then we used our knowledge of ten to split the teen numbers into their parts and drew them using MAB blocks. And for a challenge, the students were asked to represent numbers up to, and even beyond, 100! Excellent mathematical investigation Year 1!
Miss Myers and Mrs Gall
Year 3/4
In Year 3/4, we have been learning to use a variety of mental and written strategies to solve mathematical problems involving addition. This week, the students have been focusing on the compensation strategy and the levelling strategy to help them solve equations with accuracy. Year 3/4 have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with our special visitor Helen Rowsell from the Armidale Catholic Schools Office, showing her all of our great efforts this week. Fantastic work Stage 2 Mathematicians! Miss Maunder
Year 5
This week Year 5 has started a new unit on Fractions. At the beginning of all our units the students are introduced to the topic and given the vocabulary that will be used. These bulletproof definitions are created using the students' ideas to record key ideas on the whiteboard. The students then create a detailed definition that is engaging and clear to understand. Our definitions are displayed on our Maths wall until we start the next unit of work. What a fantastic effort by Year 5!
Mr Beaumont
Learning News Week 10, Term 1 2024
After a lovely break, our students have dived right back into their learning across our school for the final weeks of Term 1. With some units nearing completion, students have been using their new knowledge and skills to apply their learning and show off what they have learnt to their classmates and teachers in a myriad of ways. From making pinball machines to show off science concepts, through to solving maths problems and producing creative and informative writing samples, our students have certainly put their term to good use and had fun along the way. Well done everyone on a successful term’s learning.
Yours in learning,
Mrs Shepherd
This term in Science & Technology, Kindergarten have been learning about movement. Students learn as part of the technology outcomes to problem solve by designing instructions to get from one point to another. The students have had great fun learning about this outcome and have been using small robots called Beebots to explore this concept. To begin the lesson, we introduced ourselves to instruction terminology through performing a fun dance called the ‘Elmo slide’. We then pretended to be robots and practised using instructions like ‘forward’, ‘backward’, ‘right’ and ‘left’ to move from one position to another in the classroom. Students then were introduced to the beebots. The children were amazed at how clever the robots were at moving and following the instructions. Students worked in small groups to work on moving the robots on different types of mats. Great work Kindergarten!
Miss Fraser
Year 1
This term in History, Year 1 has been learning about what artefacts and sources are and how they can be used to learn about history. We have learnt that there are many different things we can use as a historical source to find out about what the past was like including artefacts, newspaper articles from the time, diaries, news footage and photographs. Year 1 have learnt about local history by looking at Yarramanbully School and the Manilla Show, as well as national history such as bushrangers and the Newcastle Earthquake of 1989. We have also looked at personal history and how memories can be history for us. Excellent investigation skills Year 1 historians!
Miss Myers and Mrs Gall
Year 2
In preparation for Easter, in Year 2 we read the book “How To Catch The Easter Bunny” by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton. The students then thought about how they would catch the Easter Bunny. Some students designed some elaborate traps and described how they would use carrots to lure the Easter Bunny into their trap. Some students were very thoughtful and decided they wouldn’t catch the Easter Bunny, but instead throw it a party to say thank you for always bringing them delicious chocolate eggs! Well done Year 2! Very proud of your efforts this fortnight
Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
In Year 3/4, we have been diving into our new English unit learning about the textual concepts of genre and perspective and context. Students have thoroughly enjoyed reading Iceberg by Claire Saxby and Earth’s Incredible Oceans by Jess French, which were our focus texts for this unit. Year 3/4 have learnt lots of new facts, statistics and terminology related to oceans and their features. This week, students have been experimenting with language choices to change the genre of a text, utilising the texts mentioned above. They were given an anchor chart representing the ocean’s zones and were required to use the written facts and pictures to create their own descriptive paragraph. Amazing work Year 3/4!
Miss Maunder
Year 5
This term Year 5 has undertaken an exploration into multimodal texts. These are texts that include text features and vocabulary from a range of text types, including persuasive, informative and entertaining forms of text. To link this all together we have been studying a book called Bright new world by Cindy Forde. During our writing lessons we have tried to imitate the style and topic of this text. In the activity shown the students had to research a place that needs protecting in some way. We then wrote down our own reasons and possible solutions to the problems affecting our research place. What a fantastic effort by Year 5 this week!
Mr Beaumont.
Year 6
This term in History, Year 6 have been learning about the colonisation of Australia and the impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Students examined impacts such as disease, dispossession, conflict, loss of traditional resources and loss of cultural identity. Year 6 have also been analysing and responding to artwork such as Augustus Earle’s piece below, discussing perspectives, appearances, behaviours, stereotypes etc. Amazing work Year 6!
Miss Summerell