
Visiting Primary School Nurse

The school entrant health questionnaire (SEHQ) is a parent report instrument that records parent’s concerns and observations about their child’s health and wellbeing as they begin primary school in Victoria. The Visiting Primary School Nurse has thanked those Prep families that have completed their child's online SEHQ. Responses are due back now in preparation for the nurse's visit, beginning next week. If you have not done this, and wish to, please refer to the information sent to you on Compass, or access the application form via the QR Code on your child's classroom window.

Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)

Our Preps have commenced participating in weekly Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) sessions this term. PMP is a movement-based program which helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. 

PMP cannot run without the support and involvement from parents or other family member volunteers. We have had a fantastic group of parent helpers this week and hope to have the support from many more helpers in the weeks to come. 

All helpers have engaged with enthusiasm and positive energy and we are so grateful for their support.  

Based at the school, the program uses a variety of equipment and focuses on engaging the students in semi-intensive activities. 

PMP commenced last Tuesday, 23 April, and runs in the Stadium every Tuesday from 2.30pm until the end of Term 2. 

If you wish to volunteer, please refer to the email communication sent from Class Parent Representatives, or scan the QR code located on all Prep classroom windows to access the volunteer timetable. Please ensure you have a current Working with Children Check that has been sighted at the School Office if you want to volunteer.

Monash Teddy Bear Hospital

Prep students are looking forward to the Monash Teddy Bear Hospital incursion on Monday 6 May, facilitated by Monash medical students. The Monash Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to alleviate ‘white coat anxiety’ – the fear of going to the doctor or hospital that many young children may have.