Harmony Day Celebration

Harmony Day, which is held on the 21st of March every year, is widely celebrated in the community and at schools around the country. Celebrating Harmony Day is an opportunity to highlight diversity in our school and to bring together everyone from all different backgrounds, as Essex Heights Primary School aspires to create an inclusive school community.

Our Harmony Day celebration this year was very special. It was wonderful to see everyone came to school in their cultural costumes or orange clothes, which is the colour theme of Harmony Week. During the week, the students enjoyed learning about the different cultures around the world and doing activities that foster the concept of ‘Everyone Belongs’ which means that everybody feels represented. We concluded our Harmony Day celebration with a special assembly and a parade. We were glad to see a lot of parents attended our Harmony Day assembly to celebrate the day together and some even came wearing their traditional costumes, which made the day even more meaningful.