Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Parents and Carers,


Term 2 has started very well with children quickly settling into an excellent work routine. This term is filled with many exciting learning activities, educational excursions and incursions as well as whole school fun times. This week we commemorated ANZAC Day, and today we conducted our annual ‘Pink Stumps Day’ with a Staff vs Student cricket match and raised funds for the McGrath Foundation.

The teachers defeated Year 6 students in this year's 

Pink Stumps Day cricket match!


Next week the Year 3/4 swimming program begins and our Year 2 classes will visit Mont De Lancey Homestead as part of their ‘Olden Days’ investigation. 

Smart Watches

I would like to remind all families that smart watches are to be turned off during school hours. Any device that has a similar functionality to a mobile phone cannot be brought to school. The EHPS Mobile Phone Policy clearly categorises a smart watch as such a mobile device


A simple analogue or digital watch may be worn to school to help children tell the time or to learn how to tell the time.


The EHPS Mobile Phone Policycan be found on the school website.  

ANZAC Day Service

On Wednesday we conducted our ANZAC Day service, led by Year 6 students. Unfortunately, due to the rain we had relocate and hold the service in the stadium. Our Year 6 leaders, Flag Captains and musicians all carried out their role perfectly. The children were so respectful throughout the service and the minute silence was observed impeccably. Every class made beautiful wreaths to commemorate the fallen. The wreaths were displayed at the service and can now be viewed in the Library window. Thank you to all classes and their teachers for the excellent preparation and effort for this very important event.

Students that are unwell

I would like to remind all families that children who are unwell should not be sent to school. Even though the COVID restrictions have eased, sick children cannot perform well at school and they often pass on their sickness to other children and staff. This only makes managing the learning for all children even more difficult.


Please do not give children medication in the morning to mask symptoms, because those same symptoms will reappear within a few hours. The children are often so unwell that they are miserable at school and are not learning anyway. If this occurs, you will be contacted to collect your child. Schools are charged to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children and staff. Please help us to do this by carefully monitoring our child’s symptoms. If unwell, keep them at home!!!

School times and communication

Since the start of term, it has been apparent that many children are arriving at school far too early. Children are expected to be in class by 8.50am. Staff are not on yard duty until 8.45am, therefore children in the school grounds before 8.45am are not supervised. It is not a safe practice for children to be dropped off at school too early. I urge families to not bring children to school too early. Similarly, please do not leave children to play unattended after school.

The school has an outstanding before and after school care program that is available every day to cater for children that need to be dropped off early or picked up late. Please make use of it so that we can ensure the safety of all our children.

At EHPS we provide opportunities for students to participate in a variety of after school programs. These programs do not necessarily run every week of the school term. All start and finish dates are published in the Compass News Feed and calendar, Contact newsletter, and the registration page of the facilitating company. It is important for all families with children registered in these after school programs to please note all key dates when registering your child. Also, please regularly check for alterations to times or relevant dates. 


At Essex Heights we value the excellent communication that exists between home and school. 


Our Compass portal is the school’s formal communication tool between school and home and can be used to send emails to a teacher, add attendance notes to approve lateness or explain absence, advise news and information, and consent and payment for events/activities. Please make sure that you regularly log into the Compass portal. If you need any assistance, please check the Parent Guide on our website or speak to the staff at the School Office. 

If your child will be absent on any day, please enter an attendance note in Compass or contact the school by 9am to report the absence verbally or in writing.

Please note that students arriving at school at or after 9am must be signed in at the Office, preferably by a parent or guardian. 

If there are changed plans for the end of the school day or pick up arrangements for your children, please advise the school as soon as you know about it. Our Office staff will always pass on messages to students; however, this requires time and lack of interruptions. Please ensure that messages are communicated by phoning the Office.

Ideally, all arrangements should be made and communicated clearly to your child before the start of the school day.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in all these matters.

Student-Free Days in 2024

The School Council have confirmed the remaining days in 2024 when students do not attend school:

  • Tuesday 28 May - Student-Free Day
  • Friday 1 November - Student-Free Day
  • Monday 4 November - Professional Practice Day for staff.

Care from 7am to 6pm will be provided by our OSHC program. Children must be enrolled in the OSHC program to book in for care. Contact OSHC Coordinator, Paul Davis regarding OSHC enrolment. 


Please ensure you note these dates in your family calendar when your children do not attend school.


We welcome the following students and their families to the EHPS community:

  • Bellefille W (PZ)
  • Figlio W (PZ)
  • Maggie W (1EP)
  • Anika M (1WG)
  • Ella W (34F)
  • Aakarsha A (34L)
  • Echo M (34T)
  • Akshith A (6D)


I look forward to seeing you around the school. 

Kindest regards,

George Perini
